I don't think so....But I have a lot of odds and ends.

I've got an old rifle, patent date of August 1889, that takes .32 rim fire.

A gun smith told me that the barrel is thick and strong enough, that I could get a new firing block made for it and shoot the .32 center fires with no problem.
Sorry. I thought the topic was chicken shit scared yanks with dicks the size of matchsticks.
Was I wrong?
See this is why you're considered a troll by so many. Because you've yet to add anything discussion worthy. Every single post you've made here sounds as follows:
Originally Posted by Lowaicue
Time: Every fucking post
Blah blah blah, yanks are dumb, blah blah blah, the rest of the worlds hates America, blah blah blah, I'm better than every American

Like I said, sit the fuck down, and shut the fuck up if you aren't going to meaningfully contribute.
See this is why you're considered a troll by so many. Because you've yet to add anything discussion worthy. Every single post you've made here sounds as follows:

Like I said, sit the fuck down, and shut the fuck up if you aren't going to meaningfully contribute.

He's just upset; because the guy that married his mum never let him forget that his real dad was an American WW II GI.
how often, if ever, does that happen?

this is a common fallacy alluded to by the anti gun crowd. It is irrelevant how 'often' it occurs. the real issue is that it CAN occur. It's better to have it and never need it, than to need it and not have it. Not having it can put a permanent end to an otherwise happy life.
Liberals get their approach to crime from reality, conservatives get it from action movies.
A liberal is a conservative who hasn't been mugged. A conservative was a liberal who has been mugged.

the liberals approach to crime is to ignore it, or to pretend that crime happens everywhere else but around them. It's also why they prefer concealed carry instead of open. SEEING the weapon is scary. Not knowing that there are dozens around them, just concealed, doesn't bother them.

And 100 different kinds of guns aren't necessary for this.

as soon as you limit police departments to a single pistol, shotgun, and rifle, then i'll consider limiting my arsenal.
this is a common fallacy alluded to by the anti gun crowd. It is irrelevant how 'often' it occurs. the real issue is that it CAN occur.

This is the dumbest thing I've ever read. Of course it matters how likely it is that something will kill you.

There are a thousand things you don't worry about that are more likely to kill you than scary black men. Your assessment of the likely threats to your livelihood is, again, based entirely off of fiction and media-invented crime waves, and has nothing to do with reality. Conservatives, as usual, live in la-la-land.

It's better to have it and never need it, than to need it and not have it. Not having it can put a permanent end to an otherwise happy life.

I'll give them 20 bucks.
See this is why you're considered a troll by so many. Because you've yet to add anything discussion worthy. Every single post you've made here sounds as follows:

Like I said, sit the fuck down, and shut the fuck up if you aren't going to meaningfully contribute.

I consider the desire for guns and the propensity for taking any life with which you disagree, an important point. I look, thankfully from afar, at a nation that was once deserving, not only of enormous respect, but of a certain kinship and I see a group of people many of whom are so manipulated by big business and hollywood that their knowledge of the world and their place in it would be laughable were it not so sad.
How can intelligent people (for you once were) behave like brainless morons at worst and five year old children at best and cream their jeans at the prospect of owning a device which is designed for only one thing. To kill their fellow man.
You say I am a troll?? But it is you who post the ridiculous.
No trolling, dear boy, just years of frustration at watching good people turn fucking stupid.
You parade your courage but you show your fear.
I could explain things to you, but you'll most likely not understand them. At least not until you have experienced, for yourself, the danger of physical harm you are about to experience when 3 or 4 street thugs decide that they want to fuck with you and/or your wife, or when the neighborhood junkies decide that your tv's can provide them with their next fix, whether you're at home or not.

How many "thugs" and "junkies" have you shot?