war #730855219 of bush's presidency


Junior Member
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Republican and Democratic senators warned Tuesday against a drift toward war with an emboldened Iran and suggested the Bush administration was missing a chance to engage its longtime adversary in potentially helpful talks over next-door Iraq.


when isn't bush at war

there is the war in afghanistan, the war in iraq, then the insideous war on christmas, now war w/ iran.

this bush the holyroller of holyrollers sure likes to kill people
when isn't bush at war

there is the war in afghanistan, the war in iraq, then the insideous war on christmas, now war w/ iran.

this bush the holyroller of holyrollers sure likes to kill people

what do you expect Rob? He's a "War President"
Well bush is certainly brain burned from something. Booze (legal drug) or something else. I suppose he gets good prescription drugs now as pres.
You will not win, except on a personal level. They have had close to a couple of thousand years to polish their psych war machine.
Ooooh, I could have a war on Cats. But that's not fun. It got to be inciteful and just down right mean. - Everyone with class hates cats.
I'll start a war on children.

Those lazy son's a b!tches don't work, aren't legally responsible for anything, are the reason my property taxes are high, and tend to make otherwise pleasant outings kind of sucky.
"Everyone with class hates cats."

Very true.

"I'll start a war on children.

Those lazy son's a b!tches don't work, aren't legally responsible for anything, are the reason my property taxes are high, and tend to make otherwise pleasant outings kind of sucky."

Oh my God.... ROFLMAO....