war #730855219 of bush's presidency

"Everyone with class hates cats."

Very true.

"I'll start a war on children.

Those lazy son's a b!tches don't work, aren't legally responsible for anything, are the reason my property taxes are high, and tend to make otherwise pleasant outings kind of sucky."

Oh my God.... ROFLMAO....

Let the War on Kids begin.

Seriously, think about it - they live rent free, and have all expenses paid for and all they have to do is a little homework in between and they complain about it. Absolutely worthless. How many times has your cinematic experience been interrupted by a group of them that thinks they are soooooooo funny with their stupid one liners?
"Let the War on Kids begin.

Seriously, think about it - they live rent free, and have all expenses paid for and all they have to do is a little homework in between and they complain about it. Absolutely worthless. How many times has your cinematic experience been interrupted by a group of them that thinks they are soooooooo funny with their stupid one liners?"

Very valid points. time to go a huntin' :orang:
Well, its nice to know that I have an army of eager soldiers ready to swarm a veil of death and destruction kitties and children! Arggghhhh

For the war on cat's.......that'll be easy. A few guns, butchers and chinese restaurants can take care of that. Perhaps we should think about bankrupting PETA. Those bast@rds will be nothing but trouble.

Kids may be a different story. They are ok to roam about in polite society as adults, but before then, its best that they are seen and not heard. Maybe we can put them somewhere in the south pole. Perhaps start an ad campaign for "Disney On Ice", They board, the flight thinking they are going FL, but in reality...............
"Well, its nice to know that I have an army of eager soldiers ready to swarm a veil of death and destruction kitties and children! Arggghhhh"

That should have read "kitties and kiddies".

"For the war on cat's.......that'll be easy. A few guns, butchers and chinese restaurants can take care of that. Perhaps we should think about bankrupting PETA. Those bast@rds will be nothing but trouble."

Kids may be a different story. They are ok to roam about in polite society as adults, but before then, its best that they are seen and not heard. Maybe we can put them somewhere in the south pole. Perhaps start an ad campaign for "Disney On Ice", They board, the flight thinking they are going FL, but in reality..............."

We'll just start a rumor about clubbing penguins down on the south pole. That way Peta can look after the kids we ship down there. :whip: