War-weary Libyans miss life under Kadhafi

give HRCliton some 'credit' for destruction of cites/endless civil war/poverty/currency shortages/homelessnes,and of course 10's of thousands dead in Libya.


Yeah....sure....it was (actually) Hillary that Eisenhower was warning everyone, about.



^ here's the classic pic:
Destruction in Benghazi, Libya, last July (2015) after fighting between pro-government forces and an alliance of former anti-Qaddafi rebels

Nothing to do with a lot of bloody Libyans. It was to help Cameron get elected. Where are they now?
On your side of the pond..yes. ( and don't forget the prime role of Sarkozy).

But on our side of the pond ( and we did the Command and Control / most sorties / most tonnage ) it was Clinton as the prime mover.
Internationally it was Clinton as the architect
Well, lets give the dick & bush cred here, there are lots less ppl in Iraq complaining now~their dead, or had to leave the country/mess that was left after the unprovoked attack......:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Yep; in liberal dumbfuck land, the Iraqi people were much better of with a brutal tyrant responsible for the deaths of millions than having a Democratically elected representative Government.

Unprovoked attack? Another moronic statement from one of many of the forums leftist morons.
On Saturday, UN Libya envoy Martin Kobler also condemned what he described as "yesterday's attempt to seize" the headquarters of the former parliament.

The UN-backed Libyan political agreement "remains the only framework for a peaceful solution in Libya and I urge all political stakeholders to unify behind it", Kobler said.

Despite the developments, no clashes were reported in Tripoli and there were no unusual signs of tension on Saturday morning.

The overnight developments, which apparently followed a dispute over payment of wages to Serraj's presidential guard, were the latest in a series of setbacks for the UN-backed government.
It was supposed to solve the split between factions that dominate western Libya and had backed Ghweil's government, and the ones who dominate the elected parliament based in Tobruk in eastern Libya.

But Serraj's proposed government line-up was rejected in August by the Tobruk parliament. Then in September, forces loyal to Tobruk military chief Khalifa Haftar seized the country's key oil ports from an ally of Serraj.


Yeah....sure....it was (actually) Hillary that Eisenhower was warning everyone, about.




what are you going on about?

The MIC is subordinate to the Commander - in Chief; and the MIC is in no way ( not even partly) responsible for the NATO war 2011

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight......defen$e-contractor$ are answerable to the President
....and, they DON'T lobby for more Wars??!!!!

“I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested.

“During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. Looking back on it, I feel that I could have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.” – Major-General Smedley Butler - USMC, 1933

"So the lie that you would be welcomed as liberators was just that. A lie. A lie for people in the United States to get them to open their purse for this obscenity, and a lie for you to pump you up for a fight.

And when you put this into perspective, you know that if you were an Iraqi, you probably wouldn’t be crazy about American soldiers taking over your towns and cities either. This is the tough reality I faced in Vietnam. I knew while I was there that if I were Vietnamese, I would have been one of the Vietcong.

But there we were, ordered into someone else’s country, playing the role of occupier when we didn’t know the people, their language, or their culture, with our head full of bullshit our so-called leaders had told us during training and in preparation for deployment, and even when we got there. There we were, facing people we were ordered to dominate, but any one of whom might be pumping mortars at us or firing AKs at us later that night. The question we stated to ask is who put us in this position?

In our process of fighting to stay alive, and in their process of trying to expel an invader that violated their dignity, destroyed their property, and killed their innocents, we were faced off against each other by people who made these decisions in $5,000 suits, who laughed and slapped each other on the back in Washington DC with their fat fucking asses stuffed full of cordon blue and caviar.

They chumped us. Anyone can be chumped.

That’s you now. Just fewer trees and less water." - Stan Goff; Special Forces - US Army (Ret.)

^ jesus. i do give you credit for colorful posting...it is possible with Cheney's ties to Haliburton that Iraq was lobbied by the MIC.

But Libya?
What ties are there to Clinton or Obama that the MIC have ( and recall it was an air war only) ?