Warp Drive

Hey now, we don't dis Star Trek on JPP. We can embrace the Star Wars all the while recognizing Gene Roddenberry created the original Sci-Fi sensation. But we don't dis Star Trek. Here on JPP we seek to 'boldly go where no man has gone before.' :)

Thanks. That's one demerit removed from your permanent record.
70s > 60s

Now, it's not that Star Wars is better than Star Trek (it just happens to be). The fact is that hyperspace makes much more sense than warp drive, and may actually have a place in physics.
You are really going to compare a ground breaking Sci-Fi TV series from the 60s (of which many predictions have already come true) to ANYTHING from the 70s (disco, Nixon, puke-green formica, permanent press) ?

One could only conclude you were born in the 70s.

I definitely agree about Star Trek being superior, but I see you have glossed straight over the wrap dress and the peasant blouse!
Hey now, we don't dis Star Trek on JPP. We can embrace the Star Wars all the while recognizing Gene Roddenberry created the original Sci-Fi sensation. But we don't dis Star Trek. Here on JPP we seek to 'boldly go where no man has gone before.' :)

Just trying to flame the geek war...
I definitely agree about Star Trek being superior, but I see you have glossed straight over the wrap dress and the peasant blouse!

How quickly you forgot mini-skirts (60s)

Of course, the 70s gave us short shorts, so....
Hey now, we don't dis Star Trek on JPP. We can embrace the Star Wars all the while recognizing Gene Roddenberry created the original Sci-Fi sensation. But we don't dis Star Trek. Here on JPP we seek to 'boldly go where no man has gone before.' :)

Darn straight!!!

Darla - did you HAVE to mention the Nair song?
What about Leggs?

I got a free pair of Leggs sent to me in the mail ... along with a complimentary copy of Ms. Teen magazine. All because I have a first name that is shared by the fairer sex and took Home Ec and joined FHA in high school. Fortunately I was well grounded in my boy/man-hood. :)