Warren calls McCarthy a ‘liar’ and ‘traitor’ over Jan 6 tape

“Kevin McCarthy is a liar and a traitor,” she told CNN’s “State of the Union.”

“That is really the illness that pervades the Republican leadership right now, that they say one thing to the American public and something else in private,” Warren said. “They understand that it is wrong what happened, an attempt to overthrow our government and that the Republicans instead want to continue to try to figure out how to make 2020 election different instead of spending their energy on how it is that we go forward in order to build an economy, in order to make this country work better for the people who sent us to Washington.”

“Shame on Kevin McCarthy,” she said.
Warren is useless liberal Massachusetts cunt. Dumb as fucking rock. Like you.
And you define the trump GOP. Your language and inability to make an intelligent point.

I will give you another chance...

Do you have any actual thoughts on McCarthy lying and the tapes proving it?

Any thoughts on the point Warren made that the problem with today's GOP leadership is they say on thing in public and something completely different (and better) in private?
She is very smart. She is a knowledgeable senator and author of over a dozen books. You are a dumb fuck and proud of it.

She's a phony and a fraud. She's not particularly bright either and writing a dozen crappy books no one reads doesn't make you a great author either...
She's a phony and a fraud. She's not particularly bright either and writing a dozen crappy books no one reads doesn't make you a great author either...

They do not keep publishing your books if they do not sell enough. She is a nationally recognized expert in finances. You are just another simple right repeating memes with no knowledge. I am sure you never bothered to watch CSPAN and the senate investigations. If you left QANON long enough to do that you would see she is highly qualified, does her homework, and asks probing and intelligent questions. You are wrong and lack any knowledge of her beyond right-wing lies and insults.
Pocahantas calling someone a liar...? Well, thinking about it, she is an expert and professional at that...
Based on the tapes McCarthy did lie.

Do you have the courage to comment on the actual topic or just use deflection to avoid reality?

GOP leadership says one thing to the public and something very different in private. In private they have principles and the courage to place country over politics. In public they bow to trump because they fear his uneducated followers will primary them.

That, based on the tapes, is the reality of GOP Leader McCarthy.

Based on the tapes McCarthy did lie.

Do you have the courage to comment on the actual topic or just use deflection to avoid reality?

GOP leadership says one thing to the public and something very different in private. In private they have principles and the courage to place country over politics. In public they bow to trump because they fear his uneducated followers will primary them.

That, based on the tapes, is the reality of GOP Leader McCarthy.


From what I've seen of his statements they are open ended, not lies not that I care since I see the whole Jan 6 thing as a nothing but a three-hour riot that amounted to nothing. I put McCarthy's statements in the 'coulda, woulda, shoulda...' category of meaningless drivel. Of course, the Stalinists and Kafkaists on the House Jan 6 inquisition are, with their MSM allies, make a mountain out of a teaspoon of dirt every time since they have nothing of real substance to go on.
From what I've seen of his statements they are open ended, not lies not that I care since I see the whole Jan 6 thing as a nothing but a three-hour riot that amounted to nothing. I put McCarthy's statements in the 'coulda, woulda, shoulda...' category of meaningless drivel. Of course, the Stalinists and Kafkaists on the House Jan 6 inquisition are, with their MSM allies, make a mountain out of a teaspoon of dirt every time since they have nothing of real substance to go on.
Lol, country over party.