Warren calls McCarthy a ‘liar’ and ‘traitor’ over Jan 6 tape

Gardner thinks Trump and the GOP are gods.

No, I think Trump is an arrogant, narcissistic, bloviating, braggard and the GOP are idiots. That puts them streets ahead of the utter retards, mendacious totalitarians, and wealth whores that populate the Progressive Left, not that that's saying much.
No, I think Trump is an arrogant, narcissistic, bloviating, braggard and the GOP are idiots. That puts them streets ahead of the utter retards, mendacious totalitarians, and wealth whores that populate the Progressive Left, not that that's saying much.

Sorry, I just think you're an idiot. Seriously, you really do not have much of an intellect.
I like Warren. We need to keep telling the truth: These people are traitors.


Anyone not actively opposing Trump; his followers; and all the disgusting insurrectionist crap perpetrated after the election...is a traitor to America and to humanity in general.
From what I've seen of his statements they are open ended, not lies not that I care since I see the whole Jan 6 thing as a nothing but a three-hour riot that amounted to nothing. I put McCarthy's statements in the 'coulda, woulda, shoulda...' category of meaningless drivel. Of course, the Stalinists and Kafkaists on the House Jan 6 inquisition are, with their MSM allies, make a mountain out of a teaspoon of dirt every time since they have nothing of real substance to go on.

Wow, how easy it is for you to fool yourself. An insurrection that threatened the government is nothing. 140 cops injured nothing.It was simply the most dangerous time for the country since 1814 when the Whitehouse was burned down. You have no grasp of reality, or your self-delusion is amazing. Now Mccarthy lying about what he said is no big deal. Phew.
Wow, how easy it is for you to fool yourself. An insurrection that threatened the government is nothing. 140 cops injured nothing.It was simply the most dangerous time for the country since 1814 when the Whitehouse was burned down. You have no grasp of reality, or your self-delusion is amazing. Now Mccarthy lying about what he said is no big deal. Phew.

I no longer take Gardner seriously.
She's a phony and a fraud. She's not particularly bright either and writing a dozen crappy books no one reads doesn't make you a great author either...

Is she wrong here?

I'm not sure why conservatives defend McCarthy. He's a total coward, and unworthy of a leadership position in a country as great as America. We need to set the bar higher.
Is she wrong here?

I'm not sure why conservatives defend McCarthy. He's a total coward, and unworthy of a leadership position in a country as great as America. We need to set the bar higher.

Yes. Warren is smart and is a hardworking prepared senator. She was often used by senate and house committees to provide information about bills before she ran. She testified and informed the politicians of the ramifications of their hasty bills.

I wish the Pocahontas thing had not started with that fraud. The missus was actually related to Pocahontas
(yeah her family tree goes WAY back in Virginia).

Well, just tell her it's referring to the cartoon character.(which it really is). She should understand :thinking:
Wow, how easy it is for you to fool yourself. An insurrection that threatened the government is nothing. 140 cops injured nothing.It was simply the most dangerous time for the country since 1814 when the Whitehouse was burned down. You have no grasp of reality, or your self-delusion is amazing. Now Mccarthy lying about what he said is no big deal. Phew.
