LOL. The North Korean dictator has more native american blood than she does. She is so white, the Klan will support her in 2020.
LOL. The North Korean dictator has more native american blood than she does. She is so white, the Klan will support her in 2020.
Guess what, Einstein? Those are Native Americans.
Sure is, with a trace of Native American ancestry thrown in, which was all she ever claimed
Nope. She has a trace of Indian blood, just like she said. I have none, so she is more Indian than I. More than lots and lots of people. More than trump too.
Thank God Nordberg checked in. I can't leave for the day until I see the retard perspective represented. I'm all about inclusion.
Libs so desperate to believe this.
Elizabeth Warren is one of the greatest American patriots alive today.
Her efforts to combat plutocratic fascism in finance have probably exceeded anybody else's in the entire nation.
The vast majority of her detractors would vastly benefit
were Senator Warren's initiatives to come to fruition.
Tragically, they're too fucking politically unsophisticated to recognize that
and so they continue to politically jam rasps up their own rectums.
Elizabeth Warren is one of the greatest American patriots alive today.
Really so any Mexican can just stroll across the border and join a tribe? No kidding?
White Pocahontas is one of the whitest American Racists alive today.
warren white? you mean color? She is of mostly European descent. Here is the story of her family in oklahoma,. Maybe Evmerto can finally shut up.