Was 9/11 an inside job?

in other words, a nazi pissing in your eyes wil help you see the truth. if you're not part of the final solution, you're part of the final precipitate.

Not exactly, but when those burning Bush's Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cops practicing Nazi Mengele baptize thine eyes by urinations defamation of a Washington, D.C born retired WW II Pentagon staff sergeant to Eisenhower while having lunch talking D.C. sports with an immaculate drug conception from SCOTUS Rehnquist lynching enforcement standing for a fabricated Islam misnomer; obviously the Fourth Reich second coming thru a supreme swastika up Uranus court to repeat the Catholic Church "serve the Pope or die" brokering USA national religion business with Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" holycosts as in brokering Nazi Holocaust extermination deaths for Islam oil isn't all that far removed from mass murder from environmental extinction precipitate events to come in their final solution of survival of the fittest fascists.
well that's just obvious.

How SCOTUS & it's Islamophobia Christiananality pedophilia created a national religion of environmental suicide in that "serve the Pope or die" under color of law mass murder equates to liberty & justice for all the Christians as Nazi Germany accomplished is such a patriot act jihad in some megalomaniacal rule the earth & destroy the world crusade.
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I'm thinking of asking saltydancin to be my spokesperson.

Since not being accepted as a very good spokesperson due to that "serve the Pope or die" SCOTUS decision theft & burning of a 9 years old just purchased US Constitution on the day of the Catholic Church assassination of JFK & subsequently 24 & more over 15 years along with end of the 20th century "death to the infidels" SCOTUS immaculate drug conception selling Washington, D.C. born to a Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate burning Bush's 9/11 Al Qaeda health care plan business & those thieving US Constitution - old glory presented by Ike for business excellence - Israel old testaments - absentee voting ballots arsonists for Rehnquist's fabricated misnomer immaculate drug conception one nation under God with equal justice under law US Bicentennial federal perjury Reichquest of a supreme swastika up Uranus court lynching enforcement
At the time the overthrow of the republic began in earnest (Sept. 11, 2001); i was of a very different mindset than now. I then believed the u.s. gov. Was my best buddy and the DOJ with it's FBI and the State department with it's hero agents of defending American interest were infallible. I was right there with the " put a boot in their ass, it's the american way" crowd. I believed the patriot act was the right thing to do; even though it seemed much more logical to simply eliminate the enemy (islam) from existing in the land; i went along with the program until something bizzarre happened. The hybridized supertraitor named barack hussein marshall davis(aka obama) was elected by the deluded electorate.my logical assessment was that this would be the way that tribulation would begin for faithful of Jesus as myself, so i began saying "these things must be, repent, even so, come, Lord Jesus" ; after a few years of developed experiences under the dark days of barack unbuilding the earth. Now, since the election of Trump and the all out seditious overthrow from the highest positions of government; and observing brennan, clapper, mueller, comey, etc., etc. Etc. Engaged in their life or death attempted cover ups of their latest deepstate bloodletting productions; i have been able to piece together the whole bizarre purpose of the last eighteen years.yes. Sept. 11, 2001 was an inside job and the stars of the overthrow are the same stars of the cover up... DEATHTOTHEDEEPSTATE!
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At the time the overthrow of the republic began (Sept. 11, 2001); i was of a very different mindset than now. I then believed the u.s. gov. Was my best buddy and the DOJ with it's FBI and the State department with it's hero agents of defending American interest were infallible. I was right there with the " put a boot in their ass, it's the american way" crowd. I believed the patriot act was the right thing to do; even though it seemed much more logical to simply eliminate the enemy (islam) from existing in the land; i went along with the program until something bizzarre happened. The hybridized supertraitor named barack hussein marshall davis(aka obama) was elected by the deluded electorate.my logical assessment was that this would be the way that tribulation would begin for faithful of Jesus as myself, so i began saying "these things must be, repent, even so, come, Lord Jesus" ; after a few years of developed experiences under the dark days of barack unbuilding the earth. Now, since the election of Trump and the all out seditious overthrow from the highest positions of government; and observing brennan, clapper, mueller, comey, etc., etc. Etc. Engaged in their life or death attempted cover ups of their latest deepstate bloodletting productions; i have been able to piece together the whole bizarre purpose of the last eighteen years.yes. Sept. 11, 2001 was an inside job and the stars of the overthrow are the same stars of the cover up... DEATHTOTHEDEEPSTATE!

I believed it all too, at the time. in retrospect, I see it's all just manipulative bullsnap.
I believed it all too, at the time. in retrospect, I see it's all just manipulative bullsnap.

Overthrow of the Republic started way before those burning Bush's 9/11 Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" health care plan Rehnquist granted standing to with an immaculate drug conception, where afterwards wouldn't dictate the superflurous one nation under God with equal justice under law federal perjury in selling American holycosts for a more perfect union of Christianity & Islam.
Overthrow of the Republic started way before those burning Bush's 9/11 Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" health care plan Rehnquist granted standing to with an immaculate drug conception, where afterwards wouldn't dictate the superflurous one nation under God with equal justice under law federal perjury in selling American holycosts for a more perfect union of Christianity & Islam.


Seems Rehnquist's thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballot arsonists SCOTUS immaculate drug conception standing for those burning Bush's Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate patriot act Mengele Angel of Death baptize thine eyes by urinations defamations on a Washington, D.C. born WW II Pentagon staff sergeant to Eisenhower prior to 9/11 exterminations is still avoidance - acceptance cognitive dissonance .
I'm thinking of asking saltydancin to be my spokesperson.

Being my own spokesperson wasn't really accepted at the US District Court of Nazington with a Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cop reiterating Rehnquist's immaculate drug conception get out of 9/11 standing, but maybe one of these days more photocopies of all those US Constitutions purchased at the National Archives thieving arsonists crusades turned ashes to ashes, dust to dust as in the 9/11 jihad will surface. Should of anticipated some Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cops would reiterate SCOTUS Rehnquist's immaculate drug conception for a Washington, D.C. born retired WW II Pentagon staff sergeant to Ike who had funded the purchase of that first US Constitution at the National Archives & subsequently 24 + more as being Islam lynching enforcement bill of attainder in those burning Bush's 9/11 Al Qaeda"death to the infidels" health care plan Mengele Angel of Death baptize thine eyes by urinations defamations prior to exterminations after such boasting & bragging on the streets of D.C. to maybe dozens of onlookers distracted by the commotion as to how there was nothing one could do to stop threats to kill him while talking D.C. sports trying to have lunch & jihadding in the US District Court of Washington, who at the time didn't remember any filing of thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballot arsonists over 3 1/2 years at university & probable time periods of such incidences as if they were the US District Court for Nazington as that Bicentennial Fuhrer's Brainwashing Inquisition dictating "no one steals & burns US Constitutions in this nation" after looking at a photocopy of the National Archives receipts & burning it at a lunch in D.C. ; which seemed par for the master race master plan supreme swastika up Uranus court where West Nazi Germany Virginia's thieving Ike old glory inside of old testament arsonists out of sight out of mind put burned pieces where the sun don't shine & attempt to get medical care at a Navy Hospital after more US Constitution on a cross KKK arsonists eradication of recipients of old glory presented by Presidents for business excellence holycosts in some more perfect union of Chrsitiananality pedophilia & Islamophobia Islamidiotocracy.
It was NOT an inside job. The end.

Depends on the job inside of what ? As giving thanks on turkey day if Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom enforcement suicidal super egos Christiananality pedophilia sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming, being way too dang lily brilliant white when it came to their stealing & burning National Archives purchased US Constitutions on Capital Hill prior to 9/11 granted standing by SCOTUS Rehnquists' fabricated Islam misnomer & outside of the US District Court for Washington, D.C. after 9/11; then dictating the Washington, D.C. born American citizen who had the National Archive receipts was the one who did the burning when both courts were aware of the purchases & also those Bicentennial thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - Declaration of Independence - Israel flags - absentee voting ballots arsonists under color of law malfeasance yet the national religion was Nazi economics under color of law regardless.
At the time the overthrow of the republic began in earnest (Sept. 11, 2001); i was of a very different mindset than now. I then believed the u.s. gov. Was my best buddy and the DOJ with it's FBI and the State department with it's hero agents of defending American interest were infallible. I was right there with the " put a boot in their ass, it's the american way" crowd. I believed the patriot act was the right thing to do; even though it seemed much more logical to simply eliminate the enemy (islam) from existing in the land; i went along with the program until something bizzarre happened. The hybridized supertraitor named barack hussein marshall davis(aka obama) was elected by the deluded electorate.my logical assessment was that this would be the way that tribulation would begin for faithful of Jesus as myself, so i began saying "these things must be, repent, even so, come, Lord Jesus" ; after a few years of developed experiences under the dark days of barack unbuilding the earth. Now, since the election of Trump and the all out seditious overthrow from the highest positions of government; and observing brennan, clapper, mueller, comey, etc., etc. Etc. Engaged in their life or death attempted cover ups of their latest deepstate bloodletting productions; i have been able to piece together the whole bizarre purpose of the last eighteen years.yes. Sept. 11, 2001 was an inside job and the stars of the overthrow are the same stars of the cover up... DEATHTOTHEDEEPSTATE!

Going on 50 years after SCOTUS Christian Nation diatribe of the fabricated misnomer immaculate Jesus the Christ conception national religion derived from Islam "man is Allah" virgin Mary accounts of medical pseudoscience in human reproduction for business economics of one man's law is another man's crime as what to do with Allah disciples out of wedlock offspring; which Christians suicidal super egos "man is God" Christiananality pedophilia chose for beyond the pleasure principle in despicable & vile WW II Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations homicidal human farming as a sociopsychopathilogical norm for what's now over 2 millennium with SCOTUS tautology of the Islamidiotocracy "one nation under God with equal justice under law" law of the land federal perjury lynching enforcement brainwashingtan.
Like most people I used to think 9/11 was an inside job, as my old buddy Controlled Opposition will confirm.

Smart bloggers said so all over the net. There were sites like DogcatchersFor911Truth packed with scholarly articles all of which said it was an inside job. To clinch it there were thousands of videos, some of them longer than Gone With The Wind. I never saw one supporting the official story, so naturally I assumed it was all lies.

It was only after years of tireless investigating that I reached an incredible conclusion: the Twoofer story is a crock of shit! It came to me in a flash: al-Qaeda did it. Not only did they do all the others, they did 9/11 as well. And they weren't even working for the government.

Imagine my disillusionment when I realized that David Ray Griffin is a crank and Alex Jones is a bullshitter. Who would have thought? People said I was crazy: "Nineteen ragheads with box cutters, lol!" But I persevered because it's the truth.

P.S. Happy New Year.
Like most people I used to think 9/11 was an inside job, as my old buddy Controlled Opposition will confirm.

Smart bloggers said so all over the net. There were sites like DogcatchersFor911Truth packed with scholarly articles all of which said it was an inside job. To clinch it there were thousands of videos, some of them longer than Gone With The Wind. I never saw one supporting the official story, so naturally I assumed it was all lies.

It was only after years of tireless investigating that I reached an incredible conclusion: the Twoofer story is a crock of shit! It came to me in a flash: al-Qaeda did it. Not only did they do all the others, they did 9/11 as well. And they weren't even working for the government.

Imagine my disillusionment when I realized that David Ray Griffin is a crank and Alex Jones is a bullshitter. Who would have thought? People said I was crazy: "Nineteen ragheads with box cutters, lol!" But I persevered because it's the truth.

P.S. Happy New Year.

Just as it's not sinful nor evil enough for this Christian Nation Nazi economics to force feed the USA 9/11 as some more perfect union of Islam virgin Mary medical human reproduction pseudoscience with Christiananality pedophilia business of a fabricated misnomer immaculate Jesus the Christ conception as the second coming.....especially with SCOTUS Rehnquist's fabricated Islam misnomer for 2 Washington, D.C. born American citizens prior to 9/11 with immaculate drug conceptions just as decades earlier SCOTUS Rehnquist's Bicentennial fabricated Islam misnomer for the same 2 Washington, D.C. born American citizens, one a retired WW II Pentagon staff sergeant to Eisenhower for thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists complaints to the obviously supreme swastika up Uranus kangaroo court of one nation under "man is God" with Eisenhower was a war criminal to Papal business contracts barter of Islam oil for Nazi Germany Jewish Holocaust deaths.
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