She's a progressive, Bernie Sanders far left liberal, I'm a centrist Democrat.
There are bound to be differences.
I understand that neither side is always right and neither side is always wrong.
But I don't take anything she said personally because I understand that emotions flare during discussions about these kinds of issues.
Nomad: "She's a progressive ..."
Jack: Is she? Most Progressives support 'Gender Equality'. Internally they may be biased, but externally they live their Convictions, holding Men and Women to the same Standard. You've accurately pointed out where Owl will denounce 'Men', but never 'Women'. A Cardinal Sin ... as a 'Progressive', you must 'Live the Word'.
Difficult to point at the Jesus Freaks and scream 'HYPOCRITE' ... and then engage in the same.
Nomad: "But I don't take anything she said personally because I understand that emotions ..."
Jack: Yes. Good Policy.
(I was going to Reply: 'Yes. Well, ... she is a woman'. Then figured that would defeat my own argument)