Was Obama the Worst President in United States History?



School shootings went through the roof under Obama's watch. Of course, he was formulating conditions to destroy America. It's very obvious.


This statistic shows the number of mass shootings in the United States between 1982 and December 6, 2019, by race and ethnicity of the shooter(s). Between 1982 and December 2019, 65 out of 116 mass shootings were initiated by White shooters. The Las Vegas strip massacre in 2017 had the highest number of victims between 1982 and 2019, with 58 people killed, and over 500 injured.
Trump is the most divisive president in American history.

The record number of mass shootings during the Obama terms is evidence that a certain substratum of lower class white males don't like the trajectory of American culture.

Tough. It aint' agonna change, podjos.
And nobody with a brain actually cares that Trump got impeached because it's obvious he didn't do anything wrong. Face it, impeachment was a dud!


There actually are people who don't have an XY or XX chromosome structure. But gender was never defined just by chromosomes. It was also about mentality. We now know that a male with gender dysphoria has a brain structure that is more similar to that of a female than that of a male.
So with all that being said, how many genders are there? I don't know. But I do know that this subject is politicized by fear-mongers who exploit people's fear of anything different.

citation, please