Was Robert E Lee Irish or Scottish?

I still haven’t been able to determine his ethnic background based on his famous admonition to the troops at Gettysburg:

“Never fight uphill me boys!!”

The English considered both Scots and Irish to be subhuman which is a major reason why so many immigrated to the US.

I looked and couldn't find an answer to the question although I did see where General Lee was the son of Henry "Light-Horse Harry" Lee, hero of the American Revolution, Congressional delegate and governor of VA.
trump came up with a fake Lee quote that makes Lee sound like he had either Irish or Scottish accent. There was a time Irish and Scottish would have been considered "races", but not recently. And accents are not "race" based.
I'm sure that happened.

if you don't know the American black accent you're dumb and in denial.

it's called ebonics.

why do you hate?
if you don't know the American black accent you're dumb and in denial. it's called ebonics.
That is one name for the American black accent. While it is related to race, it is not caused by race. If a white kid grows up in a Black American family, he will have a Black American accent. If a Black kid grows up in Oxford, England, he will have an Oxford English accent.

See how that works?
That is one name for the American black accent. While it is related to race, it is not caused by race. If a white kid grows up in a Black American family, he will have a Black American accent. If a Black kid grows up in Oxford, England, he will have an Oxford English accent.

See how that works?
so it's like Christianity moreso than judaism?
trump came up with a fake Lee quote that makes Lee sound like he had either Irish or Scottish accent. There was a time Irish and Scottish would have been considered "races", but not recently. And accents are not "race" based.
I have a T-shirt. Green, and Robert E. Lee is dressed like a leprechaun with a civil war uniform on.

The English considered both Scots and Irish to be subhuman which is a major reason why so many immigrated to the US.

I looked and couldn't find an answer to the question although I did see where General Lee was the son of Henry "Light-Horse Harry" Lee, hero of the American Revolution, Congressional delegate and governor of VA.
Indeed. Remember the quote from Blazing Saddles when the townspeople needed help:

"We'll take the n****ers and the chinks, but we don't want the Irish"