Was Sept 11 an inside job?

Was 9/11 an inside job?

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Anybody who can watch building 7 collapse and think it's not a controlled demolition is a person in denial because it's too demoralizing to know that our country has been hijacked by globalist psychopaths who use their extreme wealth to manipulate world events through their influence on the people in government. Anyone who still thinks this is tin-foil hat territory has not been paying attention. They have revealed their plans. It's part of how they justify their betrayal of their fellow humans. They feel if they tell the world what they plan to do and the world does nothing to stop them, they deserve to do as they please and the world deserves to be ruled like cattle-- the cattle they prove to be by offering no resistance.

That's why your local police are becoming armed with assault weapons and paramilitary gear. They will be the goons for the NWO. Do you think cops will follow orders to shoot civilians? I think they will.
Anybody who can watch building 7 collapse and think it's not a controlled demolition is a person in denial because it's too demoralizing to know that our country has been hijacked by globalist psychopaths who use their extreme wealth to manipulate world events through their influence on the people in government. Anyone who still thinks this is tin-foil hat territory has not been paying attention. They have revealed their plans. It's part of how they justify their betrayal of their fellow humans. They feel if they tell the world what they plan to do and the world does nothing to stop them, they deserve to do as they please and the world deserves to be ruled like cattle-- the cattle they prove to be by offering no resistance.

That's why your local police are becoming armed with assault weapons and paramilitary gear. They will be the goons for the NWO. Do you think cops will follow orders to shoot civilians? I think they will.

Your name suits you well.
Anybody who can watch building 7 collapse and think it's not a controlled demolition is a person in denial because it's too demoralizing to know that our country has been hijacked by globalist psychopaths who use their extreme wealth to manipulate world events through their influence on the people in government. Anyone who still thinks this is tin-foil hat territory has not been paying attention. They have revealed their plans. It's part of how they justify their betrayal of their fellow humans. They feel if they tell the world what they plan to do and the world does nothing to stop them, they deserve to do as they please and the world deserves to be ruled like cattle-- the cattle they prove to be by offering no resistance.

That's why your local police are becoming armed with assault weapons and paramilitary gear. They will be the goons for the NWO. Do you think cops will follow orders to shoot civilians? I think they will.

Thanks, Asshate.
Nope. believe it or not, there are more than one person who have recognized their country has been stolen by rich scumbags. Have you seen the news about the bailout? Have you seen the news about the devaluation of the dollar? Do you understand the news, idiot?

Too bad for you that you can sit in the middle of a pile of shit and not smell a thing.
Nothing Asshate says is truth. He is antitruth personified. Hence, if you parrot the same talking points as him, its pretty easy to deduce what the value is of your argument. BTW, Alex Jones is useless.
Anybody who can watch building 7 collapse and think it's not a controlled demolition is a person in denial ...
Dude, there was a 6000 gallon fuel oil tank 15' above the ground floor that burned. Do you know what that does to a steel structure?
This is just another case of something important happens so something most be behind it. Whenever something big in the world happens there will always be someone, somewhere, in a deep dark basement of mom's house, will have a theory that the government is behind it. Like when Pearl Harbor happened, they suspected the government knew all along and they set up there ships in a way so it was easier to bomb them, it couldn't possible be bad set up.
Nothing Asshate says is truth. He is antitruth personified. Hence, if you parrot the same talking points as him, its pretty easy to deduce what the value is of your argument. BTW, Alex Jones is useless.

then refute even one thing he says, dumbass
They knew it was going to collapse, dude. That doesn't mean that they caused it.

So, you honestly believe there was enough time for experts to ascertain the condition of a building which they never entered and would know for certain the building would collapse far enough in the future to alert the BBC which then had enough time to create a "live report" 20 minutes before the building collapsed and had the building in question still in the shot?

And you calll me crazy
You're crazy if you trust your government. Time after time they've been found to do evil shit to their citizens.