Was slavery good good black people?

I literally don't know ANY school age children. Literally, not even one.
For the most part, I'm into puppies, not children.

We managed to raise our own after never even having seen babies before
and pulled it off with more than a modicum of success.

Still, our children chose not to have kids so we're out of the loop,
and their kids would be young adults by now even if they had them.

That being said, the Boston public schools got my entire family into private universities.
I think that they were better in my day than in the kids' time
because the neighborhood school system was already compromised by social engineering
by the time my kids' turn came.

The money spent for racial balancing nonsense would have been better applied
to books and teachers which would have benefitted ALL of the children of EVERY neighborhood.

That notwithstanding, my kids did well there.

Of course, thanks to PBS, which isn't nearly what it was decades ago in their time,
they could both read before they even started school.

The Grand Old Party, however, wasn't big on public funding of such things.
Yes, I'm somewhat bitter about the anti-intellectual populism of the conservative faction.

People become elite for a reason, and their efforts deserve respect and appreciation.
We don't do ourselves favors by throwing stones at all heads that stand above the crowd.
That's a pure Joe Sixpack attitude from my perspective.
Oh, the good old days...when we could read before we started school... I like puppies and I'm am involved with schools...I'd love to post a video of the latest accomplishments at our HS, but sadly, I don't need to have people threaten to come by school to check things out...again....If you're remotely interested in seeing a great project where the schools and community comes together, I'll send you the video...it did go National, but I'm not sure too many people noticed it...
When I taught, we didn't have time for politics...I think I was one of the few conservative Republicans in the lounge, but it was never an issue...that's not why we were there, after all... Anyway..kids who graduate here (in my little town) can basically get into any school they want when they graduate...and the kids who attend Columbus Schools who have family support and work hard can pretty much do the same...Bottom line...
It takes a village...and sometimes these days, too much of the village is distracted or missing completely...That's what we have to get back to make progress...Get rid of the labels...it's really ruining our schools and our country... I love to talk about schools...sorry, not sorry...;)
What about it? The part where they are going to be required to teach the benefits slaves attained from Slavery?

"Instruction includes how slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit,"

Note to Florida and DeSantis: Enslaved Africans were already skilled

Here are some simple, historical facts: Africans already were skilled before they were enslaved. And, in many cases, enslavers sought and purchased people coming from specific African societies based on skills common in those societies. Decades of research — slave ship manifests, plantation ledgers, newspaper articles, letters, journals and archaeological digs —

[FONT=var(--wpds-fonts-body)]Transatlantic slavery was an economic model proposing that skilled laborers, who were benefiting themselves and their communities, be abducted, transported and forced to use those skills to benefit others. Other skills such as literacy, ministry and music-making were often banned, because they did not benefit — and even threatened — the enslaver.[/FONT]

[FONT=var(--wpds-fonts-body)]Hackett Fischer explains how, in the mid-1700s, enslaving colonists in the Lowcountry of the Carolinas, Georgia and Florida targeted people from the Windward Coast of West Africa, where rice had been cultivated for thousands of years. In the Lowcountry, enslaved people then built complex systems of canals, levees, floodgates and fields, just as they had in West Africa, providing the region with its first massive cash crop.[/FONT]

What about it? The part where they are going to be required to teach the benefits slaves attained from Slavery?

"Instruction includes how slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit,"

I've seen no links indicating anyone has said what you quoted...as usual, the JPP lib'ruls are too stupid to provide links....
I've seen no links indicating anyone has said what you quoted...as usual, the JPP lib'ruls are too stupid to provide links....

Scroll up....or can't you because you're up Pedo Don's massive ass?

Who helped develop this curriculum? The African American scholar points out that people are skipping over 193 parts of the curriculum to focus on one...and are wrong to do that...
Snip it journalism, Kamala...shame on you... and the others who side with you... and that's not many...Even CNN is admonishing her...
Turns out that the curriculum is exactly what liberals have been asking for...How about that?