Was the Nixon Pardon right?

That's how I feel.

Of course you would feel that way ... Nixon was border line a "Liberal" republican ....
Yes he did get us out of Nam.. somthin his predeccessor (what party was that?) couldnt accomplish...
He was good on the International Front ...

But he also was for Universal Health Care, Expanded the Dept of Education, Institued Price Controls and a failed Price Freeze as an attempt to slow down inflation which was runnin rampant.... shall I go on?

Hardly a Conservative wet dream ....
Of course you would feel that way ... Nixon was border line a "Liberal" republican....

What does his political position have to do with my feelings on politicians being punished for unlawfully infringing on peoples rights?
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Funny how many people supported both Nixon's pardon and Clintons impeachment.
You dont think Nixon suffered? You dont think spending the final years of his life in humiliation was a price? Sure..you may say that he lived comfortable with his pension and nice home.. but money isnt everything..
Like many who sit in the Presidency... there is the ego factor and the legacy thing.... this is what motivates them ... Nixons legacy ended in shame .. he was penalized.
<*sigh*> [rests his head in his hands as he slowly shakes it back and forth]

Great Zot. I don't care whether he suffered. I'm talking about justice, not making him suffer. It's you cons who incorrectly equate justice with revenge, not me.

We needed the trial and its aftermath for us not for him. We needed to work out what really happened and what it meant. We needed public examination of the evidence and a complete accounting of what was done.

We needed to puncture the Presidency and deflate it back down to size.

Hell, a public trial might have garnered him more sympathy. Probably would have. I don't care about that: it would have been worth it.

Instead of draining the wound it has festered instead. I think that the polarization of today is a flareup of the same infection.