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There are speculations that Trayvon Martin was making a drug deal at that 7/11 store and that he was smoking dope when Zimmer saw him, that 7/11 video sure looked suspicious. Zimmer did say that he saw Trayvon throw away a "cigarette", and there was Marijuana in Trayvon's system, according to the autopsy. Let's face it, Trayvon was a thug wantabe and that is why he attacked Zimmer, trying to act all tough and sheet to impress Rachel, who was on the phone. The web photos of Trayvon holding a gun, and his Marijuana plant shows me that Trayvon might have been a drug dealer, also he may have been part of the burglary ring that was "working" those condos/apartments. Trayvon routinely refereed street fights and he was admittedly into MMA, aka "Ground an Pound". Trayvon was Kicked out of school for 10 days for having Marijuana in his backpack and they also found a bunch of women's jewelry on him, tell me about it. You Pro-Trayvon fools need to wake up and smell the coffee, if there is a trial, all this sheet will come out because Trayvon will then be 18 years of age and not a protected minor no moore. Victory is sweet, Mensa rules, he who laughs last, laughs longest..TOUCHE'