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No I don't.
Why not? What do you think they are agreeing to donate money too?
No I don't.
Why not?
Because there is no evidence that those students want to support destroying Israel.
I am aware that there are people who hate Jews and want to see Israel completely obliterated. They're usually white supremacists.
Because there is no evidence that those students want to support destroying Israel.
I am aware that there are people who hate Jews and want to see Israel completely obliterated. They're usually white supremacists.
What do you think they were agreeing to donate money to?
Then Palestinians are white supremacists?
To help with the Palestinians' sufferings.
So this guy made a video and he is recorded saying all that he said but he was really asking for donations to help palestinans?
Lmao. That's amazing
Yep. The power of editing is amazing. Anybody with some skills can edit videos and piece them together to fool people.
Happens all the time, especially in the media.
Lmao. That's amazing.
How do you think it worked? He said I am going to say all this stupid shit and make it look like you are donating to kill Jews but we are really trying to help the Palestinians. Is that how you think it went down?
Yes that's how it went down. Notice the multiple cuts arranged in such a way that it appears what you think they are doing? And that there are significant parts that are omitted. Hence why we need full video. Watch it again and see for yourself.
I have watched it multiple times and I realize it's edited but I believe it's edited in sequence and shows the repeated attitudes and responses of students.
So you are more comfortable ignoring what you see and you think that what you believed happened is more likely than what the admittedly edited video shows?
I am not ignoring anything. You are ignoring the possibility that he is lying to you.
You know who Steven Crowder is? He always interview people in the public and doesn't edit the interviews. His shows just show full interviews uninterrupted.
Why cannot Ami do the same? Just ONE interview will be sufficient. But he cannot do that, can he?
How can I ignore that if I admit it's edited??? I have said that repeatedly. The problem is there isnt a single shred of information that would suggest Ami was raising money for Palestinians other than your imagination. Im not saying you are wrong Im saying NOTHING points to your hypothesis. Could this be completely bogus? Yes. But I think your argument here is a bridge too far.
Yes I know crowder. Those are far more revealing of and accurate about the damage the left has done.
Editing videos can include taking out parts of the videos, which is what Ami did here. What isn't he showing us?
Besides, who in the right mind would support destroying schools, malls, hospitals and innocent children? Even you would think that's strange for those students to support. You need to expand your mind. Remember the Covington MAGA kid? That is a perfect example.
I have conceded that the video is edited. So that's not the question. The question is, was it edited so much that the final product does not accurately represents what took place?
I have no reason to believe it was.
I don't remember the Covington maga kid
That is what I have been saying since the beginning. That argument should have been obvious.
That is your belief with no evidence. Until we see even ONE interview uninterrupted, it is moot.
What leads you to believe that what you saw isn't what happened? Editing by itself does not mean the video is inaccurate. The only evidence you have is your belief that the kids wouldnt donate to the destruction of malls and schools etc. I think that's a faulty argument given the known attitude by many professors toward Israel. I place that video against what else we know and it's right on the money. Hell, If Not Now, wants to destroy Israel why not these kids?
Oh yeah I didn't follow that crap very closely.