Watch this clip of Kramer losing it on the market

He literally screams about Benake not lowering the rate to ease the market and says he gets phone calls every night from the bank heads telling him they are terrified, hes saying the market is in as much trouble as it was back in 1990 and that what we have right now is chaos.
He literally screams about Benake not lowering the rate to ease the market and says he gets phone calls every night from the bank heads telling him they are terrified, hes saying the market is in as much trouble as it was back in 1990 and that what we have right now is chaos.

Oh yeah? what is he trying to do, create a scare and buy low? Because that sounds really unprofessional and out right stupid to say those things.
You have to watch it I think hes serious and I have kinda been worrying about it may self.

There were a ton of subprimes and the damage is long from over.

Every time you turn around a whole new batch is coming due and Banks like AMA and such are not going to survive.
You have to watch it I think hes serious and I have kinda been worrying about it may self.

There were a ton of subprimes and the damage is long from over.

Every time you turn around a whole new batch is coming due and Banks like AMA and such are not going to survive.

I'll watch it when I get home.
'The Prodigy' is boring Desh? Seriously? So what exactly is your favorite entertaining music that just gets you up on your feet and dancing?
You shook me all night long - acdc

LOL, they play that song every night at every club, and the only people I see get up to dance to that are people in there 40's. Usually the women should be wearing a bra underneath her stained Harley-Davidson T-shirt and jeans, and the guy could use some dental work. Watching the women stick her ass in the guys crotch and shake without any kind of rhythm makes me want to vomit. Damnit Darla, you made me think of one of the nastiest moments I've seen at the club. I'm gonna go barf....
LOL, they play that song every night at every club, and the only people I see get up to dance to that are people in there 40's. Usually the women should be wearing a bra underneath her stained Harley-Davidson T-shirt and jeans, and the guy could use some dental work. Watching the women stick her ass in the guys crotch and shake without any kind of rhythm makes me want to vomit. Damnit Darla, you made me think of one of the nastiest moments I've seen at the club. I'm gonna go barf....


Sorry! I love that song though.
those 40's women look pretty good to my old eyes :D

I'm a couple of years younger than that, but not far off, and I don't even know what techno music is. I must be like an old hag to Dave. I was in the mall not that long ago, with a guy friend of mine, and a couple of 20 year old types, were walking along talking about this "old bag" who had given them a hard time, really nasty. And my friend goes to me "How old do you think this "bag" was". And I said, "my age', and we both laughed.

It's all perspective.
I was wearing my liberal shirt that day. It was a picture of Wimpy from Popeye and under it, it said 'Mooch'. A g/f of mine bought it for me because I was always stealing her drinks after she would have guys buy them for her. I always told her I was just protecting her from getting too drunk. Really, she got enough drinks to support three of us, but it was usually just her and I. Never wanted a relationship with her though cause she was a skank, which is how I got all my free drinks.. lol.