Watch this clip of Kramer losing it on the market

I was wearing my liberal shirt that day. It was a picture of Wimpy from Popeye and under it, it said 'Mooch'. A g/f of mine bought it for me because I was always stealing her drinks after she would have guys buy them for her. I always told her I was just protecting her from getting too drunk. Really, she got enough drinks to support three of us, but it was usually just her and I. Never wanted a relationship with her though cause she was a skank, which is how I got all my free drinks.. lol.

Aww, thanks for sharing that, it's almost as romantic as one of Cawacko's stories. Very touching Dave.
banks need to fail, uncredit worthy borrowers need to be thrown out of their houses. Cramer is an idiot sometimes.
Gentle ben said no and the market went up, just like every other time he gave a fed speach.