Watch your mailbox

Just wanted to let you know - today I received my 2021 Social Security Stimulus Package. It contained two tomato seeds, cornbread mix, two discount coupons to KFC, a 'Biden Hope & Change' bumper sticker, a prayer rug, a machine to blow smoke up my ass and a 'Blame it on Trump' poster for the front yard. The directions were in Spanish. Yours should arrive soon.

The Democrats' plan is to give those of us who make under a certain salary $1,400 checks.
Is Dutch ever worth investing in?

I dont see it.

I'm retired and, as per law, dispensing my wisdom where needed. It's needed a lot on JPP. No investment necessarily. You don't have to like it or even take it. I do it as a public service.
No, he does. He's a pilot and an elite Marine sniper dontcha know.

Pilot, yes. Sniper, no. That's just another fucking lie from you. Are you still planning to stick me with your knife, son? Why did you stop talking about it? Was it because you sobered up?
I think you're the only one left to "pick on"....He crossed the line with everyone else.....

What line was crossed, TOP? If you can't say, then I'll just assume it as more of your delusional ramblings. TIA
But it'll put MIABIA Industries out of business don't ya know...

Made In America By Illegal Aliens...

All owned by Americans and American stockshare holders. I certainly agree that our nation should control who is inside our own country, 9/11 should have taught us that lesson. OTOH, most illegals are working for less than minimum wager; it's a modern version of slavery where the workers have no rights and risk deportation if they piss off their bosses.

Too much money being made off this army of indentured servants for the owners to want it to change. That's why Ronald Reagan was the last President to sign an immigration reform bill. It had flaws and wasn't supposed to be an end-all bill, just a stop-gap.

Now, over 30 years later, immigration reform isn't even on the table. Why?
Just wanted to let you know - today I received my 2021 Social Security Stimulus Package. It contained two tomato seeds, cornbread mix, two discount coupons to KFC, a 'Biden Hope & Change' bumper sticker, a prayer rug, a machine to blow smoke up my ass and a 'Blame it on Trump' poster for the front yard. The directions were in Spanish. Yours should arrive soon.

What do I do with the tomato seeds?
Just wanted to let you know - today I received my 2021 Social Security Stimulus Package. It contained two tomato seeds, cornbread mix, two discount coupons to KFC, a 'Biden Hope & Change' bumper sticker, a prayer rug, a machine to blow smoke up my ass and a 'Blame it on Trump' poster for the front yard. The directions were in Spanish. Yours should arrive soon.

Man, you should move to Venezuela, they'll give you the CLAP but it's better than that...
