Waterboarding Nancy


For shame to all who miss the point that this is not about Pelosi, Bush or Cheney; this is about America's Paradise Lost! For decades the rest of the world looked to us as the shining city on the hill top, oh how the righteous have fallen. Now, we torture and imprison for no apparent reason. Why were we waterboarding in the first place? We know that torture only produces false confessions, so why do it?

Uhmmm I think that was kinda our point. You're video wasn't exactly clear on what your message was. Was it critiism of torture or was it satire about the political left.
Uhmmm I think that was kinda our point. You're video wasn't exactly clear on what your message was. Was it critiism of torture or was it satire about the political left.

This was a little difficult one to make as I kept having problems; all in all I think the message is there, even if not at first. What we want is justice and an America that hold up those principles that we all hold dear. For me, I wish that people would stop playing politics and just work for a better tomorrow. If that means Pelosi, Bush, Cheney or whoever goes to jail, so be it. I am sick of this "my school against your school" mentality. We all are Americans and it is time to correct the mistakes of the past and restore the American dream.
This was a little difficult one to make as I kept having problems; all in all I think the message is there, even if not at first. What we want is justice and an America that hold up those principles that we all hold dear. For me, I wish that people would stop playing politics and just work for a better tomorrow. If that means Pelosi, Bush, Cheney or whoever goes to jail, so be it. I am sick of this "my school against your school" mentality. We all are Americans and it is time to correct the mistakes of the past and restore the American dream.

I whole heartedly agree with you but that message was not clearly presented in your video.
I whole heartedly agree with you but that message was not clearly presented in your video.

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your input, the trouble with any form of communication is that it sounds so clear in our heads before we try to articulate it. Unfortunately, those hearing/seeing our messages often do not find it as clear as we thought it was. So, to that I thank you, for now I will set out to remake this one.

If there was even a smidgen of doubt why the republicans lost the last election and should always lose, going after Nancy Pelosi rather than the people responsible for torture should stand, as does the attack on Iraq, as a demonstration of their complete lack of intelligence and political morality.
I thought Pelosi was using the same excuse that Cheney and Bush did. Bad info from the CIA and such.
Yellow cake, WMD's , etc.