watermark is actually a female

she adopts a male persona so that she can swear without having the double standard applied to her. Her ultimate goal is to take over the board, and as well all know, females can't run anything. By adopting a male persona it makes it more feasible. Notice sometimes how you may wish you could marry watermark. This is only possible if watermark was a girl

Yep, Grind, I'm really the redhead girl.
Notice sometimes how you may wish you could marry watermark. This is only possible if watermark was a girl


Put it down, Grind.
I'll never understand you and women. You have this thing for ugly Latina porn stars. You and Mott claim Latina women are the best, yet you married a cute, white lady.
My wife is 100% Puerto Rican dude.

And Watermark, that is the best burn you've ever said.

btw i was completely sober ;)

also, epic burn in this thread by wm of pimp. once again, a thread started by me contains full awesomeness