Watermark's Intervention Thread

I wouldn't have known, until some cons started giggling about WM posting some porn dude named Peter North in his avatar.

Evidently, cons recognize a nude male porn star on sight. Wierd.


It was Beefy and Cawacko, in case you are wondering Tiana.
I wouldn't have known, until some cons started giggling about WM posting some porn dude named Peter North in his avatar.

Evidently, cons recognize a nude male porn star on sight. Wierd.
Link us up to these "cons" posting about that. I haven't seen a single post by a conservative mentioning Peter North. Just you.
Link us up to these "cons" posting about that. I haven't seen a single post by a conservative mentioning Peter North. Just you.

If you don't believe me, read Darla's post right above yours.

I am not about to go on a thread search for some male porn star, that cons are obsessed with. I prefer not to revisit that disturbing thread. ;)
WM must be a leftie then? The leftie men will go bonkers at the drop of a cyber hat, and I have skewered them right and left? I feel sorry for the leftie women, who have to hold them up and protect them on message boards, in a desperate attempt to make them look like real men?

Have you seen me skewring the leftie, SuperFreak, from one end of this board to another? It is so pitiful, I am tempted to yell out "No mas, No mas" for him? I have been told I look like a white Mohammad Ali, so it is not surprising?

LOL I like the question mark thing, and the "but" with two t's thing.

I wouldn't have known, until some cons started giggling about WM posting some porn dude named Peter North in his avatar.

Evidently, cons recognize a nude male porn star on sight. Wierd.

Like you don't.

It was Cawacko and Beefy, I saw it.

Why you gotta expose me? I might get fired from my mod job.
How would Cypress know he is nude in the picture? I didn't even know it was a porn star at all and certainly haven't seen whatever poster it is from often enough to recognize it just from the chest and know he is nude.
I didn't have a clue who that nude guy in WM avatar was, beefy.

Of course I've watched porn. What male hasn't? But, I don't make it a point to memorize the names and faces of the male stars. I really don't put that much thought into the male stars.
I didn't have a clue who that nude guy in WM avatar was, beefy.

Of course I've watched porn. What male hasn't? But, I don't make it a point to memorize the names and faces of the male stars. I really don't put that much thought into the male stars.

Mr. North gets the hottest chicks though, ridiculous hot. Dude's got the best job in the solar system.
I didn't have a clue who that nude guy in WM avatar was, beefy.

Of course I've watched porn. What male hasn't? But, I don't make it a point to memorize the names and faces of the male stars. I really don't put that much thought into the male stars.
It seems you recognize the poster picture enough to know he is nude only from seeing the top portion of the poster. I would have had no idea, but it seems you peeked.
It seems you recognize the poster picture enough to know he is nude only from seeing the top portion of the poster. I would have had no idea, but it seems you peeked.

Well I just assumed he was nude because his top half is, and then I realized he was that porn star that they talk about a lot.

And I do not, ever, watch porn.
Mr. North gets the hottest chicks though, ridiculous hot. Dude's got the best job in the solar system.

I'll take your word for it.

The job may have its perks. But having sex, while a bunch of sweaty, greasy, lecherous men in the film and lighting crew stand around filming it, doesn't seem to me, like the best way to have fun.
I'll take your word for it.

The job may have its perks. But having sex, while a bunch of sweaty, greasy, lecherous men in the film and lighting crew stand around filming it, doesn't seem to me, like the best way to have fun.
That would depend on whether you were a voyeur or not. Or an exhibitionist.
Look at how the leftie, SuperFreak, had to change the subject of this thread, in a desperate attempt to divert attention from the cyber-skewering I gave to him? Even to the point of, bringing in this fat guy, Beefy, who, looks to be even fatter than the leftie big-shot, Michael Moo Moore, to talk about porn?