Shaken, not stirred!
I think it's likely that that article actually demonstrates that Gaetz knows more about the miltary situation in Ukraine prior to Trump's arrival than most. Your article points out the rather fine distinction that the Obama administration didn't provide -lethal- military aid, but did provide military aid such as "vehicles, patrol boats, body armor and night-vision goggles, as well as humanitarian assistance." I did know that the Obama administration provided -some- aid, but I wasn't aware that some of it was military, albeit non lethal. In all the nit picking, the most important point was lost, namely that there's a big difference between providing non lethal military aid and lethal military aid. Had the U.S. stuck to only providing non lethal military aid, I think it's quite possible that Ukraine may not have started their renewed military assault on the Donbass region that ultimately appears to have drawn Russia into the military fray.
I never said Gaetz doesn't have flaws.
Sorry, but you can't gloss over the documented fact that Gaetz essentially talks out of both sides of his face on this subject....the record shows this. His "knowledge" is no more than the average citizen who pays attention to more than one news source can obtain. Bottom line, whatever is more opportunistic for Gaetz to garner favor from the MAGA voting base is what he will bullhorn.....contradictions non-withstanding.