We are going to have double digit inflation for the first time in nearly 50 years

If trump is able to pump up inflation in less than 3 months, that would be amazing. It almost certainly will take between one and three years, so well after April 15th, 2025. Why did you pick that date?
OK, so you are pretending to be a prophet of doom-n-gloom just to virtue-signal to others in your mindless thought collective and to draw more desperately needed attention to yourself.

So, when the economy improves and none of your doom-n-gloom comes to pass, how will you admit your error here on JPP?

I am a little worried that trump might be able to hold it together until after November 2026, which would give him one more Congressional election before his failure.
When the economy's recovery is well underway at that point, how will you admit to everyone that you were dishonestly running your mouth out of spite and TDS, and that you had no rational basis for your statements?
This is an easy prediction, we are going to have double digit inflation for the first time in nearly 50 years. It may be in a year, or it may be in three years, all dependent on how fast trump moves.

trump has already planned how to block any fighting this inflation, and he is not known for his ability to work hard and sacrifice, so there is no real way to end this inflation. What Biden made look easy, trump is going to make look impossible.
Fucking stooge
Lots of people on my grapevine think that this system collapse will be weaponized to force us onto digital currencies, Carbon credit points, social credit points et all....the new tech chains of our enslavement.
How will Trump avoid it with the promised across-the-board tariffs of up to 60-100% on all imported goods?
Tariffs are not placed on all imported goods.
Genuinely curious how he's going to keep prices down.
He can't, unless he can get Congress to disband the Federal Reserve and return to gold and silver as currency, as is specified under the Constitution.
This will be interesting. I am guessing it will be another Mexican-paid-for wall
Mexico did pay for the wall...in lost business.
but I'm also hopeful Trump is able to deliver SOMETHING to his followers in recompense for gifting him the Oval a second time.
He's already doing some of it, and he hasn't even taken office yet!
Tariffs are not placed on all imported goods.

He can't, unless he can get Congress to disband the Federal Reserve and return to gold and silver as currency, as is specified under the Constitution.

Mexico did pay for the wall...in lost business.

He's already doing some of it, and he hasn't even taken office yet!
They won't. I never said they would.

I said they won't cause inflation.

The fed causes inflation and the fed prints money:
A.) When the government sends the smoke signals that they want credit availability for their cronies in corporate America.
B.) When the government needs to spend money it hasn't directly stolen via taxation. i.e. indirect theft via inflation through the mechanism of bonds bought by the fed or proxies.

The only way to reverse inflation is to reduce the ratio of currency to economic activity. So wait a hundred years for the market to double or start destroying money by paying more bonds than you take out (as the government).

Now Trump could reduce the inflation with the tarrifs if he used the money from the tarrifs to pay the bonds, but I doubt he'll do that.

This has been a sixty year pyramid scheme and those are most painful when they're exposed. Therefore Trump won't pop the zit and neither will anyone else until it's far too late.

Still if Trump can reduce the huge amount of theft from the economy as well as deregulate it will stabilize the situation and put the disaster off a bit longer. Perhaps long enough for the goldfish memory public to say it was a success.
The problem is why the Fed is printing money. It's to keep the party going at the federal government, and to try to 'stimulate' the economy by attempting to print it's way out of it's financial problems (Keynesian economics). Wealth is not being created by capitalism nearly as fast as the Fed is printing money, so...inflation.

Constitutionally, the currency of the United States is supposed to be silver and gold. The Federal Reserve and its fiat currency is not only unconstitutional, it is the direct and only cause of inflation.

And the failing fiat currency is not isolated to the United States. Nations around the world are on fiat currency, and are suffering the same problems, some more advanced a failure than the US is right now.

Hence, nations around the world are looking at returning to gold or silver as the commodity base for their currency. Several nations have announced their intent to return to a gold standard, including China and Russia. They are already amassing gold reserves to support it.

The United States will get shut out. It has very little gold.
The only way the Regime has to deal with the debt they have created is the inflation tax.
That won't work. There is simply not enough that you can tax to pay for the current debt (which is still increasing).

So they are trying to print their way out of their predicament. As the debt gets worse (the Federal government has to pay higher prices for it's operation too!) this self spiral is destructive. It will force an uncontrolled contraction of the Federal government, one way or the other.

Most people are not prepared for that.

Whether Trump's coming austerity program will be enough remains to be seen.
That won't work. There is simply not enough that you can tax to pay for the current debt (which is still increasing).

So they are trying to print their way out of their predicament. As the debt gets worse (the Federal government has to pay higher prices for it's operation too!) this self spiral is destructive. It will force an uncontrolled contraction of the Federal government, one way or the other.

Most people are not prepared for that.

Whether Trump's coming austerity program will be enough remains to be seen.
If trump is able to pump up inflation in less than 3 months, that would be amazing. It almost certainly will take between one and three years, so well after April 15th, 2025. Why did you pick that date?

I am a little worried that trump might be able to hold it together until after November 2026, which would give him one more Congressional election before his failure.
What failure?
Usually job creation causes inflation, especially in a tight labor market, but I doubt there will be much job creation. It will mostly be job destruction.

Did the last major tariffs create jobs? No it happened right before the Great Depression. But that was before the modern inter-dependence on trade. Losing export markets, combined by rocketing high costs for inputs, will cost jobs.

all nations use tariffs, dipshit.

stop being a globalist asshole.