We are not divided by Race - Gender - Religion but by the WISE and FOOLISH

So am I fuck lips
"So am I fuck lips" <<<<<<<<<<<<< Ladies and gentlemen so here we have the fine ANTI HATE language of the leftie dems. They do it by free choice. This ^^ is this boys choice of response.
I wish to thank this boy for proving everything I say about the leftie dems.
FFS, if supporting the BLM and ANTIFA is no enough for these people they just have to express themselves in this manner, every single time they perceive you support Mr Donald Trump.
Oh the real HATE !!!
Even their snide comments such as: "orange man trump" ... even down to the deliberate lower case for the "T".
"So am I fuck lips" <<<<<<<<<<<<< Ladies and gentlemen so here we have the fine ANTI HATE language of the leftie dems. They do it by free choice. This ^^ is this boys choice of response.
I wish to thank this boy for proving everything I say about the leftie dems.
FFS, if supporting the BLM and ANTIFA is no enough for these people they just have to express themselves in this manner, every single time they perceive you support Mr Donald Trump.
Oh the real HATE !!!
Even their snide comments such as: "orange man trump" ... even down to the deliberate lower case for the "T".

Dont want people to hate you?

Then don’t join racist lie filled cults that are trying to destroy America
The wise never need to say that they are wise or make such useless arguments. For someone that says only the foolish separate by gender, I must laugh since the fits over bathrooms and sports is quite rampant on your side. Are you admitting to being a fool or just going along for the ride?
The FOOLISH are divided by Race - Religion - Gender.

We are divided by the "seed of God" and the "seed of Satan".

The "seed of Satan" currently has a firm grip on the Democrat Party (and also on the GOPe membership, such as Mitch McConnell and his ilk). The "seed of God" is currently very sparsely represented in many governments across the former USA at the moment, but especially so in the newly formed SODC (Socialist Oligarchy of the District of Columbia).
Agreed. Note all the time spent by RWNJs about unisexual bathrooms. Let each city decide. Focus the economy or something more important.

Here's proof only the foolish believe walls work;


[1] It was Antifa who created all the issues on the 6th.
[2] Why does the SODC (formerly the USA capitol) currently have fencing (a form of "wall") around it? Are they a part of "the foolish"?
If we try to have a multi-cultural society where the individual culture of everybody must be formally recognized rather than overlooked,

what remains is a nation divided at least by the fact that everybody, no matter what the size of their faction percentage wise,

is going to show favoritism to his/her own cultural subdivision. Nature mandates it, and we prove nature's mandate by our behavior.

That's why I feel we can celebrate our heritage among our own as we wish, but not acknowledge any race, religion, or ethnicity under the law.

Doing the latter is a recipe for the disaster that's America. Ignoring differences rather than trying to compensate for them is what successful multi-culturism does.

Or maybe we like hurling projectiles at one another. You tell me.

It seems pretty clear most ppl don't want their culture overlooked.:dunno:

IMHO we can simply accept it.

What separates us is far far less than what binds us.
[1] It was Antifa who created all the issues on the 6th.
[2] Why does the SODC (formerly the USA capitol) currently have fencing (a form of "wall") around it? Are they a part of "the foolish"?

INT/IBDa/gfm, you are free to spout any delusional bullshit you like. I'm free to refute it in light of all the facts available.

Your conspiracy theory bullshit is deep into mental illness territory. I suspect you are a paranoid schizophrenic and have been told so before.

Only you know if that's true or not.
I am not a fan of Antifa, but blaming them for trump is just silly.
They are on video putting on Trump attire before staging the capitol rioting. Their leader also got arrested for his involvement in the capitol rioting.
INT/IBDa/gfm, you are free to spout any delusional bullshit you like. I'm free to refute it in light of all the facts available.

Your conspiracy theory bullshit is deep into mental illness territory. I suspect you are a paranoid schizophrenic and have been told so before.

Only you know if that's true or not.

You never refute anything; you just call people names and insult their intelligence.
You never refute anything; you just call people names and insult their intelligence.

Bullshit, INT/IBDa/gfm. I refute you all the time. That's why you're so pissed at me. :)

I'm not insulting you. In fact, I think your IQ is a little above average. I also think you are a paranoid schizophrenic and I doubt I'm the first person to say that to you.
Bullshit, INT/IBDa/gfm. I refute you all the time.
No, you don't.

That's why you're so pissed at me. :)
I'm not, though.

I'm not insulting you.
You hurl insults around all the time.

In fact, I think your IQ is a little above average.
IQ is a meaningless random number.

I also think you are a paranoid schizophrenic and I doubt I'm the first person to say that to you.
You aren't. Not too many people use the word 'paranoid' towards me, but plenty of people do use the word 'schizophrenic' (or a variant of that word). Oh well.