We are researching purchasing a Pizza

And they make the worst pizza. Go figure. Americans are slaves to commercials... They are also pretty reasonable when compared to say Papa Johns on Franchising fees...
So why go franchise instead of independant? Dunno much about these things but I guess it would be cost issues?
And they make the worst pizza. Go figure. Americans are slaves to commercials... They are also pretty reasonable when compared to say Papa Johns on Franchising fees...

I agree, they're the worst.

But, they're cheap. Lot of college kids around here.
So why go franchise instead of independant? Dunno much about these things but I guess it would be cost issues?
Mostly because of the free advertising and the support. They help you get the equipment, etc as well as training your new employees.

If you go independant you have to find your own supplies/recipes, purchase all your own equipment without direction, train your own employees...

I've been thinking of it regardless. I can plain COOK. I should be able to find a place that has supplies for restaurants. With a simple base I can create a fantastic sauce and give a choice between spicy and regular....
Hmmm, like to cook and wanna go franchise eh? why not a full blown resteraunt? Lots & lots of hours to be put in if ya go that route though.
Hmmm, like to cook and wanna go franchise eh? why not a full blown resteraunt? Lots & lots of hours to be put in if ya go that route though.
Restaurants are tough... And I live in the boondocks. Pizza delivery can make a difference.
Restaurants are tough... And I live in the boondocks. Pizza delivery can make a difference.

I bet! over here we have superb pizza just about on every other corner but the franchises still seem to han in there. I would think you could probably cash in if your average pizza joint is few and far between.
I bet! over here we have superb pizza just about on every other corner but the franchises still seem to han in there. I would think you could probably cash in if your average pizza joint is few and far between.
The closest restaurant is 18 miles from my house. The closest gas station, 10.5 miles...

If I put in a Domino's or a Blackjack Pizza I'm golden. Nobody else delivers out here at all... I'd have to charge for the longer distances to make up for the gasoline, but heck... Most people here would pay it.
The closest restaurant is 18 miles from my house. The closest gas station, 10.5 miles...

If I put in a Domino's or a Blackjack Pizza I'm golden. Nobody else delivers out here at all... I'd have to charge for the longer distances to make up for the gasoline, but heck... Most people here would pay it.

LOL, that ain't the boondocks, your in nomand's land! Damn must be nice and peaceful I bet....
It is nice. And worth the drive into the city for work, IMO.

What's your commute? That is one of the key things to my area for many, you can live country like with a fairly short commute to the city for the big bucks, or be like me and live even closer to the city and make little bucks! :cof1:
I live far out. My commute is about 42 miles when I take the short route. If I ride the motorcycle it is around 52 as I can't take the dirt road shortcuts...
And they make the worst pizza. Go figure. Americans are slaves to commercials... They are also pretty reasonable when compared to say Papa Johns on Franchising fees...
Advertising works. The behavior of people in large groups really is predictable, within broad limits. I know that a lot of people are uncomfortable with that fact -- I am myself, sometimes -- but it's still true.

What's more, our ability to predict group behavior is being refined all the time.

This is why I feel that we need to regulate advertising more stringently. It's possible to manipulate what people want and what choices they make without saying something that's factually inaccurate.

Just like it's possible to lie about WMDs and connections between Saddam Hussein and 9/11 without saying anything factually inaccurate. ;)
My commute is about 25 ft. I work from home as an independent technodweeb.
But the little country store at the bottom of the hill (.5 miles) makes a pizza anyway I want it.