Diversity Makes Greatness
It's Monday morning. As I logged on here while listening to great music I thought about this wonderful medium, the internet, this chat room, how we have each of us taken the step of coming here, creating a persona, talking about politics, kicking these discussions around with no apparent purpose. But it does have purpose for us. Each of us gives something to the room, gets something from the room.
We are the people who care about what happens to the country. We listen to, watch, and read the news, try to stay in formed. We think bigger than ourselves. We think of the world and wonder where it's going, if we can have any effect on that.
We all share that interest.
My visits are very rewarding. I don't come here with hatred for anybody or anything. I come here with love and fascination for our amazing world. What we have here is SO COOL! To be HUMANS on planet EARTH! Most people never thought about how very special and cool that is. (Too bad more people don't value what we have...)
We haven't found anything like it as far as we've been able to explore the universe.
We are, as far as we know, totally unique. A blue planet surrounded by a relatively thin but very unique atmosphere which allows us all to live and thrive, fight wars, etc.
Sure places a bit of importance on taking care of the planet...
And we, here in JPP, who are willing to talk about politics, are the ones who are concerned enough to care about country and world. We all have well considered reasons for taking our positions on issues.
Most people are not very comfortable to talk about politics. They don't come to JPP, don't normally watch the news, or try to stay informed. They don't 'like it.' They just figure there's nothing they can do to have any power over what happens in the world, so they just let it go and focus their time elsewhere.
Our government derived it's original power from we, the people. Our whole country depends on people voting, yet 40% of eligible voters don't vote, and many others never even bother to register.
For the country to endure, the minimum responsibility as a citizen is to do our best to take care of our country. That means staying informed so that when we go vote, we are making decisions for well-informed reasons.
We, who talk politics, are the people who 'get it.'
That's cool.
Enjoy your day.
We are the people who care about what happens to the country. We listen to, watch, and read the news, try to stay in formed. We think bigger than ourselves. We think of the world and wonder where it's going, if we can have any effect on that.
We all share that interest.
My visits are very rewarding. I don't come here with hatred for anybody or anything. I come here with love and fascination for our amazing world. What we have here is SO COOL! To be HUMANS on planet EARTH! Most people never thought about how very special and cool that is. (Too bad more people don't value what we have...)
We haven't found anything like it as far as we've been able to explore the universe.
We are, as far as we know, totally unique. A blue planet surrounded by a relatively thin but very unique atmosphere which allows us all to live and thrive, fight wars, etc.
Sure places a bit of importance on taking care of the planet...
And we, here in JPP, who are willing to talk about politics, are the ones who are concerned enough to care about country and world. We all have well considered reasons for taking our positions on issues.
Most people are not very comfortable to talk about politics. They don't come to JPP, don't normally watch the news, or try to stay informed. They don't 'like it.' They just figure there's nothing they can do to have any power over what happens in the world, so they just let it go and focus their time elsewhere.
Our government derived it's original power from we, the people. Our whole country depends on people voting, yet 40% of eligible voters don't vote, and many others never even bother to register.
For the country to endure, the minimum responsibility as a citizen is to do our best to take care of our country. That means staying informed so that when we go vote, we are making decisions for well-informed reasons.
We, who talk politics, are the people who 'get it.'
That's cool.
Enjoy your day.