We Are The People Who Care. Yeah. You Got That Right.


Diversity Makes Greatness
It's Monday morning. As I logged on here while listening to great music I thought about this wonderful medium, the internet, this chat room, how we have each of us taken the step of coming here, creating a persona, talking about politics, kicking these discussions around with no apparent purpose. But it does have purpose for us. Each of us gives something to the room, gets something from the room.

We are the people who care about what happens to the country. We listen to, watch, and read the news, try to stay in formed. We think bigger than ourselves. We think of the world and wonder where it's going, if we can have any effect on that.

We all share that interest.

My visits are very rewarding. I don't come here with hatred for anybody or anything. I come here with love and fascination for our amazing world. What we have here is SO COOL! To be HUMANS on planet EARTH! Most people never thought about how very special and cool that is. (Too bad more people don't value what we have...)

We haven't found anything like it as far as we've been able to explore the universe.

We are, as far as we know, totally unique. A blue planet surrounded by a relatively thin but very unique atmosphere which allows us all to live and thrive, fight wars, etc.

Sure places a bit of importance on taking care of the planet...

And we, here in JPP, who are willing to talk about politics, are the ones who are concerned enough to care about country and world. We all have well considered reasons for taking our positions on issues.

Most people are not very comfortable to talk about politics. They don't come to JPP, don't normally watch the news, or try to stay informed. They don't 'like it.' They just figure there's nothing they can do to have any power over what happens in the world, so they just let it go and focus their time elsewhere.

Our government derived it's original power from we, the people. Our whole country depends on people voting, yet 40% of eligible voters don't vote, and many others never even bother to register.

For the country to endure, the minimum responsibility as a citizen is to do our best to take care of our country. That means staying informed so that when we go vote, we are making decisions for well-informed reasons.

We, who talk politics, are the people who 'get it.'

That's cool.

Enjoy your day.
It's Monday morning. As I logged on here while listening to great music I thought about this wonderful medium, the internet, this chat room, how we have each of us taken the step of coming here, creating a persona, talking about politics, kicking these discussions around with no apparent purpose. But it does have purpose for us. Each of us gives something to the room, gets something from the room.

We are the people who care about what happens to the country. We listen to, watch, and read the news, try to stay in formed. We think bigger than ourselves. We think of the world and wonder where it's going, if we can have any effect on that.

We all share that interest.

My visits are very rewarding. I don't come here with hatred for anybody or anything. I come here with love and fascination for our amazing world. What we have here is SO COOL! To be HUMANS on planet EARTH! Most people never thought about how very special and cool that is. (Too bad more people don't value what we have...)

We haven't found anything like it as far as we've been able to explore the universe.

We are, as far as we know, totally unique. A blue planet surrounded by a relatively thin but very unique atmosphere which allows us all to live and thrive, fight wars, etc.

Sure places a bit of importance on taking care of the planet...

And we, here in JPP, who are willing to talk about politics, are the ones who are concerned enough to care about country and world. We all have well considered reasons for taking our positions on issues.

Most people are not very comfortable to talk about politics. They don't come to JPP, don't normally watch the news, or try to stay informed. They don't 'like it.' They just figure there's nothing they can do to have any power over what happens in the world, so they just let it go and focus their time elsewhere.

Our government derived it's original power from we, the people. Our whole country depends on people voting, yet 40% of eligible voters don't vote, and many others never even bother to register.

For the country to endure, the minimum responsibility as a citizen is to do our best to take care of our country. That means staying informed so that when we go vote, we are making decisions for well-informed reasons.

We, who talk politics, are the people who 'get it.'

That's cool.

Enjoy your day.

can you possibly blow more smoke up your own ass? fascinating...
It's Monday morning. As I logged on here while listening to great music I thought about this wonderful medium, the internet, this chat room, how we have each of us taken the step of coming here, creating a persona, talking about politics, kicking these discussions around with no apparent purpose. But it does have purpose for us. Each of us gives something to the room, gets something from the room.

We are the people who care about what happens to the country. We listen to, watch, and read the news, try to stay in formed. We think bigger than ourselves. We think of the world and wonder where it's going, if we can have any effect on that.

We all share that interest.

My visits are very rewarding. I don't come here with hatred for anybody or anything. I come here with love and fascination for our amazing world. What we have here is SO COOL! To be HUMANS on planet EARTH! Most people never thought about how very special and cool that is. (Too bad more people don't value what we have...)

We haven't found anything like it as far as we've been able to explore the universe.

We are, as far as we know, totally unique. A blue planet surrounded by a relatively thin but very unique atmosphere which allows us all to live and thrive, fight wars, etc.

Sure places a bit of importance on taking care of the planet...

And we, here in JPP, who are willing to talk about politics, are the ones who are concerned enough to care about country and world. We all have well considered reasons for taking our positions on issues.

Most people are not very comfortable to talk about politics. They don't come to JPP, don't normally watch the news, or try to stay informed. They don't 'like it.' They just figure there's nothing they can do to have any power over what happens in the world, so they just let it go and focus their time elsewhere.

Our government derived it's original power from we, the people. Our whole country depends on people voting, yet 40% of eligible voters don't vote, and many others never even bother to register.

For the country to endure, the minimum responsibility as a citizen is to do our best to take care of our country. That means staying informed so that when we go vote, we are making decisions for well-informed reasons.

We, who talk politics, are the people who 'get it.'

That's cool.

Enjoy your day.

And yet it took all of ONE responding post by a certified trumpanzee ASSCLOWN to ruin the moment. Nice job ASSFRAUD....(
It's Monday morning. As I logged on here while listening to great music I thought about this wonderful medium, the internet, this chat room, how we have each of us taken the step of coming here, creating a persona, talking about politics, kicking these discussions around with no apparent purpose. But it does have purpose for us. Each of us gives something to the room, gets something from the room.

We are the people who care about what happens to the country. We listen to, watch, and read the news, try to stay in formed. We think bigger than ourselves. We think of the world and wonder where it's going, if we can have any effect on that.

We all share that interest.

My visits are very rewarding. I don't come here with hatred for anybody or anything. I come here with love and fascination for our amazing world. What we have here is SO COOL! To be HUMANS on planet EARTH! Most people never thought about how very special and cool that is. (Too bad more people don't value what we have...)

We haven't found anything like it as far as we've been able to explore the universe.

We are, as far as we know, totally unique. A blue planet surrounded by a relatively thin but very unique atmosphere which allows us all to live and thrive, fight wars, etc.

Sure places a bit of importance on taking care of the planet...

And we, here in JPP, who are willing to talk about politics, are the ones who are concerned enough to care about country and world. We all have well considered reasons for taking our positions on issues.

Most people are not very comfortable to talk about politics. They don't come to JPP, don't normally watch the news, or try to stay informed. They don't 'like it.' They just figure there's nothing they can do to have any power over what happens in the world, so they just let it go and focus their time elsewhere.

Our government derived it's original power from we, the people. Our whole country depends on people voting, yet 40% of eligible voters don't vote, and many others never even bother to register.

For the country to endure, the minimum responsibility as a citizen is to do our best to take care of our country. That means staying informed so that when we go vote, we are making decisions for well-informed reasons.

We, who talk politics, are the people who 'get it.'

That's cool.

Enjoy your day.
so what will you be doing today...or this week...to show your care and concern for our country?
There's a thread to share...I can link you to it if you like;)
Hello Tacomaman,

And yet it took all of ONE responding post by a certified trumpanzee ASSCLOWN to ruin the moment. Nice job ASSFRAUD....(

Oh, the moment doesn't have to be ruined at all. If somebody is ruining your moment I would suggest just placing people who do that on Ignore. There are really so many great minds here you won't miss the trolls. Put all your trolls on Ignore. Then the moment is never ruined. Whatever might have been said didn't bother me. I never saw it. On purpose!

I have sometimes wondered why there is no official national chat room.

Ya know?

We have this government (which many of us absolutely HATE,) that we created ourselves, supposedly of the people, by the people, for the people. A government founded on the principle of Democracy. Government of the governed by the consent of the governed. It is a representative government conceived to centralize the intents and needs of the populace and formulate that into policy.

Our government was formed in the time of paper writing and the fastest messaging was horse and courier. Our technology has progressed so much since then, but we haven't really incorporated the complete power of the internet into our representative government.

What if our Congress ran a chat room in which citizens could comment, ask public questions of politicians, and staff members would answer? Or even the office holder themselves if they chose to.

That would be direct representation.

What if there were official federal, state and local chat rooms where Americans could have an active dialog with their Representatives, Senators, Governors and Mayors?

Why can't we do that?

What. Do they think it would be too popular?

Not judging by respectful participation here. You see, an official government chat room would have to have stringent moderation. Personal attacks would not be allowed. The purpose of such a board would be to discuss issues, not one another. Everybody would have to be respectful or it wouldn't work. I bet that would drastically limit participation there. If people from here tried to participate there, most of them would be banned.

How many are we here at JPP, really?


A few hundred?

Why aren't more people concerned enough to do this?
so what will you be doing today...or this week...to show your care and concern for our country?
There's a thread to share...I can link you to it if you like;)

Yeah, they "care" so much, they trash the president for every single little thing he does or says. You know, like being concerned about the economy? Gee, what would the death toll of a Great Depression part 2 look like? These anti-American idiots are giddy with glee hoping for that shit. But yeah, they "care". GTFOutta here.
Yeah, they "care" so much, they trash the president for every single little thing he does or says. You know, like being concerned about the economy? Gee, what would the death toll of a Great Depression part 2 look like? These anti-American idiots are giddy with glee hoping for that shit. But yeah, they "care". GTFOutta here.
Thankfully,the majority of Americans are focused on working together, to get us all through this difficult time..Even the most liberal of our neighbors, and trust me, this town is Very liberal....are putting politics and hate for the president/conservatives aside to work through this...Ohio is a shining example of what the rest of the country should be doing;)
I found something we all share in common.

With so much going so wrong and being so threatening in this world, it's good to remember we do have things in common.

Even those of us here at JPP.

We are the people who care enough to want to talk about politics.

That takes a certain amount of nerve.

We've all got that, that willingness to speak up.
I know this is the kind of thread that dies fast around here. No hatred. No controversy. Only appreciation for what we have. Nobody wants to talk about that. I get it. But I submit that fighting nasty about politics is an addictive habit, not a good one, and it is a habit which can be broken, risen above, and left behind.

There is much to discuss without poisoning that by making things personal.
I think this is where monarchy gains points: the Queen spoke to us all last night, and nobody got all worked up because she belonged to another political party.
Hello Penderyn,

I think this is where monarchy gains points: the Queen spoke to us all last night, and nobody got all worked up because she belonged to another political party.

Yup. Good point.

We've got nothing like that.

The only royalty we've got around here are the self-annointed kind.
Your OP certainly brought the roaches out of hiding, if nothing else. :laugh:

I find it amusing that shut-in spinsters and wannabe Rambos sit at home in hiding, while using the Internet to scold others for "not helping" because they disagree with their politics and POV. Seriously, does posting here help *anyone* other than letting off some steam? If you're here posting and throwing shade on others, then obviously you are not doing anything to "help" during this time. That goes for me, too. OTOH I'm not running around pretending to be Mother Teresa and scolding others for not "helping." :laugh:
I think this is where monarchy gains points: the Queen spoke to us all last night, and nobody got all worked up because she belonged to another political party.

I saw that; what a moving talk she gave. How fortunate you are to have a leader who is capable of bringing ppl together when we most need it.
you guys really are totalitarians.

The definition of that has evidently changed in the last few years then. Who knew that praising another country's leader is exactly the same as totalitarianism.

I wonder, given this new information, if it would be an appropriate time to mention all the times that #COVID45 has praised various foreign despots like Kim, Erdogan, Duterte, and of course his beloved Putin?

Nah. Low-hanging fruit. :laugh: