We Are The People Who Care. Yeah. You Got That Right.

Ugh. Thought I smelled something on my shoe. :laugh:

Today, 08:05 AM
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The best conversations here don't have anything to do with the posters participating in them.

The smartest posts are about ideas.

Average posts are about current events.

Small minded posts are about other posters.
The world can't work if some political views are shut out. We have to allow opposing views, and we are actually wise to listen to them. We don't have to agree, but we should listen.

We must have both liberal and conservative views.

I am liberal, but I appreciate our conservative friends because having opposing views forces me to justify my own views. Actually I count on it and benefit from that. I know that good government needs to take the views of all into consideration in order to form the best policy.

It seems ridiculous to allow emotion to influence how we deal with others of opposing views. Anger and hatred are never logical. They serve no practical function in reaching a logical course of action.

Do angry people expect others to suddenly adopt their own view? That doesn't seem very likely. I can't think of anyone who holds their political view because somebody else 'forced them to' by being mean to them. Logically, the exact opposite is far more indicated. Most people would reject mean and nasty views.

What does a mean and nasty person expect the world to be? Do they really think the world will change because of their gruffness? That all opposing views will 'go away?' If that were to actually occur by some miracle, what would that new world look like? Everyone holds the same political view? Theirs? All others have been eliminated? There would be no need for disputing anything ever. Everyone would agree on what to do about everything. There would be no need for Congress. Any one person could create policy because one view would be just as good as another, all being the same.

After this utopian world of political agreement became reality then there would be no need to argue about anything. Then everything that stresses people out politically would all be resolved. There would be no need to get angry, have hatred, be mean or nasty to anyone else. Everyone would be in agreement. Nobody is to blame for anything because everyone agreed on what to do. If things came out unexpectedly, everyone would share the blame, because everybody agreed on the policy which led to an unexpected result.

Obviously, none of that is ever going to happen. That world is never happening, so what DOES the angry poster EXPECT? (Nothing, I guess. They just want to blow off steam, really. If you get into their sights, you get both barrels. That's what it is...)

Anger over politics leads to always being angry. How could the 'always angry' ever find happiness? Are they seeing pleasure through anger? Do they find it enjoyable if others experience pain or have their feelings hurt by them? Anger is clearly not happiness. Anyone who thinks the display of anger towards others leads to happiness is fooling themselves, for that is not true happiness. It is tainted with the knowledge that any pleasure derived has come at the cost of pain to others.

True happiness does not require the unhappiness of others. Good political policy leads to everyone being happy.

This complicated world of 7 billion humans requires many various political views. We, the people who care, need to allow others to hold their own view if we wish to be at our own peace with the world. We should discuss the pros and cons of various views, but we should always be respectful of others.

If we are full of anger, we can find no peace.

(just an observation from a peaceful place...)

so alex jones shouldn't have been deplatformed?
When it really comes down to the nuts and bolts of the issues, the people talking about those nuts and bolts don't matter. It's about the nuts and the bolts.
Proposed new name for this chat room (to replace JPP) :

Talking About Other Posters With Some Politics Mixed In


Kind of a mouthful, but it's possibly more accurate.