We Can Make It If We Try.


Shaken, not stirred!
TRUE conservatives and liberals can find common ground to compromise on. This is because EVERYONE needs clean air, clean water, food not chock full of chemicals and decent housing. Share and be nice to each other, like we were taught as little kids. Couldn't hurt.;)
TRUE conservatives and liberals can find common ground to compromise on. This is because EVERYONE needs clean air, clean water, food not chock full of chemicals and decent housing. Share and be nice to each other, like we were taught as little kids. Couldn't hurt.;)

On the other hand Conservatives are very aware of how they have long been treated.....they are not the ones who have been pushing the Evil.....they are the ones who have failed to protect us from the WOKE Suciide Cult.
TRUE conservatives and liberals can find common ground to compromise on. This is because EVERYONE needs clean air, clean water, food not chock full of chemicals and decent housing. Share and be nice to each other, like we were taught as little kids. Couldn't hurt.;)

Common sense. It just might work.
I might disagree with 75% of what Taichiliberal believes but that means I agree with 25% of what he believes. Should I focus on the 75% or the 25%?

I think the 25% is a good bet.
Liberals would rather watch the nation burn than to work with someone like Trump.

They exist on pure hate
I guess you forgot the times that bipartisan bills were brought to Trump after he promised to sign them and once the bipartisan bill was brought to Trump, he refused to sign.

Trump was the problem for both sides.
Liberals would rather watch the nation burn than to work with someone like Trump.

They exist on pure hate

And yet DESPITE the major disappointment in the 2016 election, you didn't have liberals storming the Capitol to disrupt and stop the confirmation by BOTH parties.

That was YOUR MAGA/neocon/teabagger/alt-right buddies....people YOU STILL SUPPORT.
