We have a major job as soon as we get rid of the rights leader

Fair play, the rest of the UK was allowed to vote!

Not really the whole story. Bannon and Russians ran a strong campaign to get Brexit passed. Putin wants Democracies to look like they cannot function. With Trump and Brexit, they are winning.
What a naïve load of shit! Don 't you ever sleep out there in the American slums? Guilt, I suppose. By the way, Henry's father, whose family fought for Glyndwr, had conquered England, and it's the 'British' Empire because John Dee convinced his daughter that we'd wasted our time on such degenerate countries as your own, so that she could claim those wastes.

his nation is Russia
his nation is Russia
yup- Circles are square, up is down, right is left, wrong is right, Hate is love, Good is bad, add in the fact that the hate group they call a party makes its decisions by hate, hate is their logic. Hate is their religion.
yup- Circles are square, up is down, right is left, wrong is right, Hate is love, Good is bad, add in the fact that the hate group they call a party makes its decisions by hate, hate is their logic. Hate is their religion.

and hillary is for the people.
Not really the whole story. Bannon and Russians ran a strong campaign to get Brexit passed. Putin wants Democracies to look like they cannot function. With Trump and Brexit, they are winning.

Well. Scotland and Ireland weren't convinced. Unfortunately we have vast number of English camping here. I was just pointing out that there were four countries concerned.
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Well. Scotland and Ireland weren't convinced. Unfortunately we have vast number of English camping here. I was just pointing out that there were four countries concerned.

gonzomin the globalist traitor to humanity doesn't believe in separate countries.
Many, many rightys realize the Moscow Mitch has been stopping all legislation. The Senate's job is approving Trump's crazy judges and naming post offices. He is as greedy as any other Repub in office. At his age, you might think he would go out with a spasm of doing the right thing to salvage his reputation in history. But nope. He just stays in his right-wing bunker doing the work as Trump directs.