We just need to move past...

That is self-evident.

America has become a third world country with law-fare, out of control crime, borders, inflation and wars.

The world is on fire and we have a vegetable for president and an airhead for VP.
Well then GTFOH if you hate it so badly you spoiled rotten, diaper shitting little crybaby.

Nobody is begging your ignorant trumpbilly ass to stay here, fucking things up for decent people.
When are these far left loons going to admit that the Democrats have failed America?
When are you far right loons going to admit that the trumperism and the extremist right have failed America?
Well then GTFOH if you hate it so badly you spoiled rotten, diaper shitting little crybaby.

Nobody is begging your ignorant trumpbilly ass to stay here, fucking things up for decent people.

When are you far right loons going to admit that the trumperism and the extremist right have failed America?
What a truly pitiful response. You appear to enjoy soaking in the cesspool that the modern liberal has created.
What does eating Chinese food have to do with use a Chinese that is spying us?????????? Apparently you are brain dead.
You didn't know that your local Chinese restaurant is a potential spy headquarters? Why then just TikTok?
You had to tag on brain dead did ya.

"We just need to move past the failed policies that we have proven don't work"...
Does not happen because America is administered by a cult that is sure that the physical world can be reconstructed if there is enough solidarity and willpower like in Peter Pan and Barney.

They are children in the bodies of adults as Heather says....very dumb children.
They have misunderstood "if you can dream it you can build it, you can do it"....they skip the doing part....they think that if they dream hard enough and there is enough solidarity then they will open their eyes and the world will be different.

They are actually that ignorant.

This is a dark age.
Gee whiz! What a lack of creativity. Trigger much?

Why would I feel the need to be creative in my response to a dull witted trumper puke spigot like you?

Say something to me that's worth a creative response and you'll get one. But all I've seen out of you is the same old braindead trumper garbage the rest of your ilk spews.