we must find out more about barack!

that's all I'm saying us, I don't the population is ready for a radical muslim as VP even.
He's not even a Muslim, let alone a "radical" Muslim -- whatever that is. Some have alleged that his stepfather is or was, but that's an empty allegation at this point.
Strange how the republicans said bush's ancestors trading with Nazi Germany had nothing to do with bush, but Obama is an evil radical Muslim....
Guess we'll see if he wins ornojustasocialist
I don't think we are ready for any kind of Muslim as President radical or not least of all one Name Husin
Guess we'll see if he wins ornojustasocialist
I don't think we are ready for any kind of Muslim as President radical or not least of all one Name Husin
Yes, prejudice and bigotry are still with us, alas. Won't stop me from viciously slandering anyone who stoops to that in the political arena though.

Yes, prejudice and bigotry are still with us, alas. Won't stop me from viciously slandering anyone who stoops to that in the political arena though.


Yep, and please jump on me if I go into a racially motivated prejudical rant too Ornot. None of us are perfect :rolleyes:
are muslims a race or religion dumbasses.
makes no nevermind to me. That kind of bigotry is pretty much the same, whether it's ethnically or religiously motivated. In fact, I'll bet that a lot of people equate "Muslim" with "Arab" despite the obvious stupidity of doing so.
Guess we'll see if he wins ornojustasocialist
I don't think we are ready for any kind of Muslim as President radical or not least of all one Name Husin

Barack is not a muslim.

France did not hide Saddam's WMD in syria.

And Hillary Clinton did not murder Vince Foster.

Those are all rightwing lies. Are we clear yet? ;)
Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii to Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. (born in Alego, a village in Nyanza Province, Kenya) and Ann Dunham (born in Wichita, Kansas). His parents met while both were attending the East-West Center of the University of Hawaii at Manoa, where his father was enrolled as a foreign student.[5]

When Obama was two years old, his parents separated and later divorced; his father went to Harvard to pursue PhD studies, eventually returning to Kenya.[6] His mother was remarried to an Indonesian foreign student, Lolo Soetoro, with whom she had one daughter. The family moved to Jakarta where Obama attended Catholic school and public school from ages 6 to 10. [7] He then returned to Hawaii to live with his maternal grandparents.[8] He was enrolled in the fifth grade at Punahou School, a large, private college preparatory school in Honolulu, which he attended through 12th grade, graduating in 1979.[9][10] His father died in a car accident in Kenya when Obama was 21 years old.[11] Obama's mother died of cancer a few months after the publication of his 1995 memoir, Dreams from My Father.[12]

In Dreams from My Father, Obama describes his experiences growing up in his mother's white American middle class family. His knowledge about his absent black Kenyan father came mainly through family stories and photographs. Of his early childhood, Obama wrote: "That my father looked nothing like the people around me—that he was black as pitch, my mother white as milk—barely registered in my mind."[13] As a young adult, he struggled to reconcile social perceptions of his multiracial heritage. Obama writes about using marijuana and cocaine during his teenage years to "push questions of who I was out of my mind."[14]

After high school, Obama studied for two years at Occidental College in California and then transferred to Columbia University where he majored in political science with a specialization in international relations. After receiving his Bachelors of Arts degree in 1983, Obama worked for one year at Business International Corporation.[15] In 1985, he moved to Chicago to direct a non-profit project assisting local churches to organize job training programs for residents of poor neighborhoods.[16][17]

Obama entered Harvard Law School in 1988. In February 1990, he gained national recognition for becoming the first African American to be elected president of the Harvard Law Review.[18] He obtained his Juris Doctor degree magna cum laude from Harvard in 1991.[17] On returning to Chicago, Obama directed a voter registration drive, then worked for the civil rights law firm Miner, Barnhill & Galland, and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1993 until his election to the U.S. Senate in 2004.[17]

An acquantance surely a righty had sent the stuff to me about his dad being a radical muslim. This surely puts that to rest for me. Harvard Law reiview pres is impressive.
Yep all same old same prejudice....
and equate them with Sand n%%%^^ and towel head, etc.
I used to hear it all the time at the local grocery store hangout until Bush fell from grace....