We Must Remove All Rainbow Flags and Crosswalks Or Accept Forced Oppression And Dictatorship

Damocles then ask Poptart what his lies about me were about in the first place!!! Get justification.

That piece of shit comes to my thread (as it has been doing to people on this site for years) lying about me for the millionth time because Poptart obviously has no relevance to do with the foundation of the issue, doesn't like that Poptart is useless when it comes to sharing relevance to do with pathetic woke garbage and so Poptart makes up lies about the person who started the thread in attempt to hijack the thread with Poptarts retardation and in this instance complains to you about what I said after he tried to slander me of what you are warning me about not labelling anyone as such in the first place!

Good to see you jumping in here during my absence Hat. I appreciate that.
I don't give a whip what insult he hurled at you so long as it was within the rules. I don't care what insult you throw at him so long as it is within the rules. Work within that and you'll do fine. Blackwater asked some questions and I clarified what we have decided in the past. My advice, read through it, and you'll do fine. Most folks get a warning then stop, some do not and get some time outs...
Damocles then ask Poptart what his lies about me were about in the first place!!! Get justification.

That piece of shit comes to my thread (as it has been doing to people on this site for years) lying about me for the millionth time because Poptart obviously has no relevance to do with the foundation of the issue, doesn't like that Poptart is useless when it comes to sharing relevance to do with pathetic woke garbage and so Poptart makes up lies about the person who started the thread in attempt to hijack the thread with Poptarts retardation and in this instance complains to you about what I said after he tried to slander me of what you are warning me about not labelling anyone as such in the first place!

Good to see you jumping in here during my absence Hat. I appreciate that.
Stop whining little man. I’m sick of hate, so every single time you drive by with your hateful ignorant bulkshit, I will be in your thread. Deal with it fuckstick. You sound like a baby throwing a temper tantrum. You know how many times I’ve been asked to leave somewhere because I harassed some female about the clothes she was wearing while standing in a dark alley? Zero. And you? You did it proudly and bragged about ion multiple sites. I consider you a sick sexual predator. Guys like you are the reason my wife won’t go to certain bars. Because you would creep her the fuck out with your staring. Btw, wasn’t me that reported you. But please feel free to continue to whine and stomp your little feet. Incels make me laugh.
Spetch is not only lost in the ozone, but has no idea of logic. Allowing flags and symbols of gays and others to be shown in public, is oppression. Taking them away is freedom.
Symbols of factually proven foundations of lies and deceptions forced upon the public are clearly symbols of forced oppression. Facts trump your logic of which are liars posing their lies as ideology to try and keep lying to the public. For example where is your one reason to be proud of a man humping a man or a woman humping a woman? (crickets) Your so called logic is like used toilet paper, full of shit.

I don't give a whip what insult he hurled at you so long as it was within the rules. I don't care what insult you throw at him so long as it is within the rules. Work within that and you'll do fine. Blackwater asked some questions and I clarified what we have decided in the past. My advice, read through it, and you'll do fine. Most folks get a warning then stop, some do not and get some time outs...
What I was getting at is Poptart broke the rule as you would find out upon questioning that POS.
Stop whining little man. I’m sick of hate, so every single time you drive by with your hateful ignorant bulkshit, I will be in your thread. Deal with it fuckstick. You sound like a baby throwing a temper tantrum. You know how many times I’ve been asked to leave somewhere because I harassed some female about the clothes she was wearing while standing in a dark alley? Zero. And you? You did it proudly and bragged about ion multiple sites. I consider you a sick sexual predator. Guys like you are the reason my wife won’t go to certain bars. Because you would creep her the fuck out with your staring. Btw, wasn’t me that reported you. But please feel free to continue to whine and stomp your little feet. Incels make me laugh.
I don't give a whip what insult he hurled at you so long as it was within the rules. I don't care what insult you throw at him so long as it is within the rules. Work within that and you'll do fine. Blackwater asked some questions and I clarified what we have decided in the past. My advice, read through it, and you'll do fine. Most folks get a warning then stop, some do not and get some time outs...
You see Damocles he's breaking the rule a second time and if you can only get away with it once then ban the lying sack of shit.
Stop whining little man. I’m sick of hate, so every single time you drive by with your hateful ignorant bulkshit, I will be in your thread. Deal with it fuckstick. You sound like a baby throwing a temper tantrum. You know how many times I’ve been asked to leave somewhere because I harassed some female about the clothes she was wearing while standing in a dark alley? Zero. And you? You did it proudly and bragged about ion multiple sites. I consider you a sick sexual predator. Guys like you are the reason my wife won’t go to certain bars. Because you would creep her the fuck out with your staring. Btw, wasn’t me that reported you. But please feel free to continue to whine and stomp your little feet. Incels make me laugh.
All you do is lie like a piece of shit in a rotting waste bin because you have no relevance ever when it comes to the foundation of the issue to do with an opening post. Anyone can see for themselves and figure out that the hater is the desperate liar you reveal to be time and time again to try and hijack the thread because you have no relevance to do with the foundation of the issue. You're just some woke whiney jealous Poptart which is why you are so desperate to try and drag me down to your sick and pathetic level.

Also it is my pleasure to fight for the well being and sanity of current and future generations of the life on this planet because I happen to love and care about it which is also why it is my pleasure to continue to intellectually slaughter the hateful woke garbage that scum like you represent.
Symbols of factually proven foundations of lies and deceptions forced upon the public are clearly symbols of forced oppression. Facts trump your logic of which are liars posing their lies as ideology to try and keep lying to the public. For example where is your one reason to be proud of a man humping a man or a woman humping a woman? (crickets) Your so called logic is like used toilet paper, full of shit.

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English please. Thanks.
We Must Remove All Rainbow Flags and Crosswalks Or Accept Forced Oppression And Dictatorship

If the World Economic Forum and officials they turn against citizens as back stabbers from country to country impose factually proven foundations of lies and deceptions upon citizens and get away with forcing factually proven foundations of lies and deceptions upon the public without any uprising against those lies and deceptions we are headed for full dictatorship without questioning anything. Supporting lies & deceptions instead of fact is a way to insanity without justice.

This is quite obviously what they intend to do and proof is that they try and make anyone standing against their factually proven foundations of lies and deceptions out to be haters, and committing hate crime for seeking justice by removing such disgusting symbols of factually proven foundations of lies, deceptions and forced oppression as rainbow flags and crosswalks being forced upon the public to silence you to try and conform you to never up rise against their factually proven foundations of lies and deceptions in hopes that the general public plays along in fear of facing repercussions for standing against sick and filthy factually proven foundations of lies and deceptions. This is why they call voters supporting officials who oppose their factually proven foundations of lies and deceptions as standing against democracy because all that they primarily do is lie and deceive to get away with lying and deceiving compulsively and obsessively as well they do this to try and fool the dumbest of people in society to actually believe the rhetoric that they feed the general public.

If they can continue to get away with dictating that parents have no right to have any say when it comes to sterilizing children's genitals then how long will it be before they dictate that parents have no right to stand against predators having sex with children while using that only children have the say on sterilizing their genitals while parents have no right to have any say thus why shouldn't they eventually get away with legalizing pedophilia under the same premise? Wake up people!

What is there to be proud of for a man humping a man or a woman humping a woman? (lgbt pride is a lie) What is there to be proud of for advocating the sterilization of children's genitals? What reason is there to be proud for allowing a male to use a female's washroom? What reason is there to be proud of allowing a male to participate in thus ruin female sports? What reason is there to be proud of allowing a man to pretend to be a woman so he can try and rob heterosexual males of the right, freedom and liberty to be heterosexual with factually proven foundation of LGBT lies and deceptions to do it?

Those who advocate such factually proven foundations of lies and deceptions clearly do not represent democracy, equality or inclusion, they represent using every factually proven foundation of lies and deceptions to force oppression to set us up for full dictatorship by attempting to prevent an uprising against their factually proven foundations of lies and deceptions by further lying by labelling those not willing to go along with their factually proven foundations of lies and deceptions as haters or committing a hate crime for working towards removing their factually proven foundations of lies and deceptions they desperately use to try and control you through threat of being made out to be a criminal who deserves prison or to pay a hefty fine for standing against their sick and filthy lies, deceptions forced oppression and symbols of such!

XX = Female. XY = Male. Everything else is quite obviously a very hate filled lie used to try & force you into oppression.

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This post is a stark example of what happens when mental illness goes untreated.
If you had read what I posted in my conversation with BL you would realize that this is nonsense. However, focus on yourself... the man in the mirror is the one that you have the power to change.
I have no need to change but I am very disappointed to see you making up excuses to allow poptart to get away with breaking your precious rule 12 while warning me for throwing what he is doing back in his face. Bias leftist garbage conspiring. Tell me what the point of rule 12 is? And I ask such because you are obviously defeating the purpose of having such a rule while making up excuses to allow poptart to get away with breaking the rule.

Conspiring to make me want to leave perhaps ...
English please. Thanks.
Go back to school and learn how to compose a sentence. Start from there.
This post is a stark example of what happens when mental illness goes untreated.
I obviously write and speak English, and compose sentences how I see fit, that a retard convention doesn't like it pleases me to know and that you don't feel inspired with confidence while looking at me, it is because you lack something called validity when it comes to the foundations of especially primary issues I address.

Notice not one of these retards in their little retard convention can even share one reason to be proud of a man humping a man or a woman humping a woman yet all demonstrate to be desperate to try and make their delusions of me the issue. That's because all woke sickos have no validity which is why they are so desperate to try and make you (anyone who opposes their garbage) the issue to try and drag you down to their pathetic level with their weak and pathetic lies and deceptions.
I obviously write and speak English, and compose sentences how I see fit, that a retard convention doesn't like it pleases me to know and that you don't feel inspired with confidence while looking at me, it is because you lack something called validity when it comes to the foundations of especially primary issues I address.

Notice not one of these retards in their little retard convention can even share one reason to be proud of a man humping a man or a woman humping a woman yet all demonstrate to be desperate to try and make their delusions of me the issue. That's because all woke sickos have no validity which is why they are so desperate to try and make you (anyone who opposes their garbage) the issue to try and drag you down to their pathetic level with their weak and pathetic lies and deceptions.
Composing sentences how you see fit can work if you're a genius like Joyce. Otherwise, you might like them but no one is apt to read many of them once they discover you're not a genius like Joyce.
I have no need to change but I am very disappointed to see you making up excuses to allow poptart to get away with breaking your precious rule 12 while warning me for throwing what he is doing back in his face. Bias leftist garbage conspiring. Tell me what the point of rule 12 is? And I ask such because you are obviously defeating the purpose of having such a rule while making up excuses to allow poptart to get away with breaking the rule.

Conspiring to make me want to leave perhaps ...
I did not break rule 12. I was warned once long ago and accepted the warning without whining one single time. You should try that. By the way, you overtly and with intent broke the rule. I actually steered far clear of it. Poor baby.
I obviously write and speak English, and compose sentences how I see fit, that a retard convention doesn't like it pleases me to know and that you don't feel inspired with confidence while looking at me, it is because you lack something called validity when it comes to the foundations of especially primary issues I address.

Notice not one of these retards in their little retard convention can even share one reason to be proud of a man humping a man or a woman humping a woman yet all demonstrate to be desperate to try and make their delusions of me the issue. That's because all woke sickos have no validity which is why they are so desperate to try and make you (anyone who opposes their garbage) the issue to try and drag you down to their pathetic level with their weak and pathetic lies and deceptions.
Get help.