We Must Remove All Rainbow Flags and Crosswalks Or Accept Forced Oppression And Dictatorship
If the World Economic Forum and officials they turn against citizens as back stabbers from country to country impose factually proven foundations of lies and deceptions upon citizens and get away with forcing factually proven foundations of lies and deceptions upon the public without any uprising against those lies and deceptions we are headed for full dictatorship without questioning anything. Supporting lies & deceptions instead of fact is a way to insanity without justice.
This is quite obviously what they intend to do and proof is that they try and make anyone standing against their factually proven foundations of lies and deceptions out to be haters, and committing hate crime for seeking justice by removing such disgusting symbols of factually proven foundations of lies, deceptions and forced oppression as rainbow flags and crosswalks being forced upon the public to silence you to try and conform you to never up rise against their factually proven foundations of lies and deceptions in hopes that the general public plays along in fear of facing repercussions for standing against sick and filthy factually proven foundations of lies and deceptions. This is why they call voters supporting officials who oppose their factually proven foundations of lies and deceptions as standing against democracy because all that they primarily do is lie and deceive to get away with lying and deceiving compulsively and obsessively as well they do this to try and fool the dumbest of people in society to actually believe the rhetoric that they feed the general public.
If they can continue to get away with dictating that parents have no right to have any say when it comes to sterilizing children's genitals then how long will it be before they dictate that parents have no right to stand against predators having sex with children while using that only children have the say on sterilizing their genitals while parents have no right to have any say thus why shouldn't they eventually get away with legalizing pedophilia under the same premise? Wake up people!
What is there to be proud of for a man humping a man or a woman humping a woman? (lgbt pride is a lie) What is there to be proud of for advocating the sterilization of children's genitals? What reason is there to be proud for allowing a male to use a female's washroom? What reason is there to be proud of allowing a male to participate in thus ruin female sports? What reason is there to be proud of allowing a man to pretend to be a woman so he can try and rob heterosexual males of the right, freedom and liberty to be heterosexual with factually proven foundation of LGBT lies and deceptions to do it?
Those who advocate such factually proven foundations of lies and deceptions clearly do not represent democracy, equality or inclusion, they represent using every factually proven foundation of lies and deceptions to force oppression to set us up for full dictatorship by attempting to prevent an uprising against their factually proven foundations of lies and deceptions by further lying by labelling those not willing to go along with their factually proven foundations of lies and deceptions as haters or committing a hate crime for working towards removing their factually proven foundations of lies and deceptions they desperately use to try and control you through threat of being made out to be a criminal who deserves prison or to pay a hefty fine for standing against their sick and filthy lies, deceptions forced oppression and symbols of such!
XX = Female. XY = Male. Everything else is quite obviously a very hate filled lie used to try & force you into oppression.
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