Why? If they don't say what you want to hear, you call them partisan hacks, liars, politically-based, etc. etc. You don't want a real CDC; you want an (R)-operated pseudo-science puppet that won't issue any findings that might disturb the status quo.
You all want the same thing for NOAA, so they'll stop bringing up that annoying climate change thing.
Why? If they don't say what you want to hear, you call them partisan hacks, liars, politically-based, etc. etc. You don't want a real CDC; you want an (R)-operated pseudo-science puppet that won't issue any findings that might disturb the status quo.
You all want the same thing for NOAA, so they'll stop bringing up that annoying climate change thing.
The CDC this year has not been any better than the CDC last year, a complete cluster fuck.
When can I expect better work?
When you wipe Donald Trump's shit off your nose!
Hamburger flipper boy is a whiney loser
Heather and Bret 26:15
Right ON.
The fact that we dont have a functioning CDC, and that few seem to know that it is broken, and few of them seem all that interested in fixing it is damning.
Is there some reason I should know about why I dont find you even trying to defend the CDC?
The fact that we dont have a functioning CDC, and that few seem to know that it is broken, and few of them seem all that interested in fixing it is damning.
The issue is that Republicans keep killing it. The CDC can only be rebuilt so many times. It takes a lot of time to put together a good team.
And now the Republicans have moved on to trying to destroy the WHO. We definitely need a functioning WHO.
The issue is that the UNIPARTY decided that the CDC could be would be a great instrument in social change, because almost everyone trusted them.
Then they forgot how to do their day job.
And no one knew it.
They Claim.
Pointing out the positive, like you always do.
Fuck off chink boi.
You fragile types really should seek out an infirmary that suits you.
Able adults have work to do.
Oh noes, little bitch ass hawkeye has something to say.