We need a functional CDC

At 8:28 these asswipes are trying to anthropomorphize gene selection. Dude's interests and sluts interests have nothing to do with gene expression. Their delusion that it would be in anyone's interests to have shorter jestation time's is ridiculous. Birth is hardly the moment biological separation. Kid still needs milking, kid still draws predators. Female menstrual cycle still draws predators. Well maybe not now since men killed them all.... maybe not a wise choice. Looks like a battle of the sexes where a wingnut theory is being presented to compete with the point about a womans first child being her strongest. What mechanism at all would put personal preference at the head of gene selection? I claim this concept will turn out to be sociopoliticaly driven.
War zone....cunt.

You only run you....here we have yet another sign that you are a member of the WOKE Brigades....sure that you get to run other peoples lives.

Sit the fuck down, you are exhausting.

And not all rewarding.
By 26:57 note the consciously neglected opiate epidemic but included things completely irrelevant to cdc's actual jurisdiction. Looks like kefties are looking to infiltrate the cdc. They're reporting a few inconvenient statistics, namely, heroin epidemic statistics that show heroin use exploded under obiden, curbed under trump, and planning to surge again under obiden again.
Contact tracing seems less to do with risks to an experimental vaccine company as than enforcing a means of transmission. Think about it, requiring everyone to come in contact with the same objects.... just one brain cell should be all that's neccessary to figure what that's all about right there. "Fund yourself method of data collection," to put it simply.

I think time travel is a lot more likely than aliens, call me silly... by looking at our current global social climate, what seems more and more likely every day? Now what would motivate people to even try time travel? A really sucky present caused by a really sucky past. Being that it continues this way, what can we deduce if there is influences by a future from a really sucky present? That even if you could go back in history, you'd only end up going to a past you had to remake yourself as thats the only way you could have gone back in time when you did. Basically, real damnation. Everything you tried to do would be everything that resulted in your sucky present as well as everything you tried not to do. Doomed and youd be what made it that way. Lol.