We need a plan to take away a womens right to vote


on indefiniate mod break
I think it's time we all admit this little experiment in civics needs to come to an end. Women are screwing everything up and being such a buzzkill. Major.

I mean think about it:

1) They are always complaining about something. Ask yourselves, when was the last time a women in politics said "you know.. things are actually kinda good right now" (the answer is never)

2) They cry when kids get shot and want to overhaul an entire amendment because the slowpokes couldn't run fast enough.

3) Out of all demographics, they are the biggest money grabbers. They care too much about proles and will steal our money to pay for the great unwashed masses. And men go along with it and nod their heads because .. well... you know.

If we didn't have to answer to women we could just let poor people starve and then there would be no more poor people and it would be problem solved. Thanks women, for prolonging suffering.

4) They are probably jealous they still haven't been on the moon. (anytime women! It's only been 50 years! Let us know when you are finished talking about how some man hurt your feelings one time and it was really offensive. I guess the moon isn't going anywhere too soon).

Anyway, here is my strategy:

I think we should just straight up go out into the public with petitions asking people to sign them. People WILL NOT see this coming. They'll probably think it is some weird joke or maybe they are on a hidden camera show, and so they'll sign it with a wink and a nod "hahaha so funny, banning women from voting. surre ok I'll sign this funny joke" Then they'll just stare at you as you continue walking down the sidwalk wondering wtf just happend.

Bonus: get women to sign it too.

Eventually as we work it up through the system, we can either do it state level at first or maybe just kick it up to our legislators and show all the public support behind it.

If it ever gets to ratification process, just turn the tv whenever the anchors bring it up. We don't want to alert them to our plan. You might want to get into your router as well and just make sure the women in your life can't get to news sources online.

Anyway, after all that we will have a new amendment to the constitution, and things will be wonderful again. They'll never be able to vote and they'll just have to sit there dealing with it.




Thank you.
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There would be a whole lot less poor people if women would just stay home and build a solid family. Dads would actually be inclined to stick around, work hard, and be faithful, and kids would be more motivated to stay in school and learn. How would that be? Of course, we'd definitely need to kick todays democrats out of office for that to work. They love playing dad.
I would definitely sign such a petition to get this on the ballot. It should be on every ballot for decades. It will have a great impact on the electoral success of far right wing conservatives like grind.
Nice troll Grind. Truly amazing that you hooked Granule. Say Granule, on your single salary can you afford a double wide or just a single? Do you buy your wife shoes, or is barefoot and pregnant good enough?
I would definitely sign such a petition to get this on the ballot. It should be on every ballot for decades. It will have a great impact on the electoral success of far right wing conservatives like grind.

^ now watch this fucking idiot like a year from now talk about how I actually want to ban women from voting like I was serious.
It is so funny the enemies this place creates.

You should have seen Stringy back on FullPolitics, before he started doing all the drugs. Guy was an epic poster who had some great philosophical battles. He easily dispatched Midcan in a series of idiotic threads that Midcan started titled "Libertarianism in a Nutshell." Now, Stringy is just a grumpy guy who survived heroin/meth/acid/crack/etc...