we need filter tipped blunts ?

the majority of every gfeneration thinks they have it all figured out.

btw just had a big thunderstorm here ??? darned climate change.

WHo said we had it "all" figured out?

Smoking causes lung cancer. Pretty damn obvious. Not difficult to draw the conclusion. You guys are acting like we shouldn't be so certain we've invented the internal combustion engine yet.
During the Bubonic Plague doctors were trusted, too, yet their theories and cures had nothing to do with the cause or treatment of the disease.

You are setting a ridiculous burden of proof and acting like none exists. Burden of proof is a logical fallacy. Debate about whether or not something exists. Debating the burden of proof goes nowhere.
You are setting a ridiculous burden of proof and acting like none exists. Burden of proof is a logical fallacy. Debate about whether or not something exists. Debating the burden of proof goes nowhere.

I am not debating either...just pointing out that a white trash teen from Mississippi probably shouldn't be spouting medical science with such arrogance-- because all you know is what they sold you. :)
WHo said we had it "all" figured out?

Smoking causes lung cancer. Pretty damn obvious. Not difficult to draw the conclusion. You guys are acting like we shouldn't be so certain we've invented the internal combustion engine yet.

all smokers get lung cancer ?

News for ya dude, if ya live long enough you have something like a 90% chance of getting cancer, it just may not be what kills ya.
damm I was preparing to convert to Rastafarian as a religion!!!
my have to only practice it as much as I do cathalocism now.
And all smokers do not get lung cancer...my step-grandfather (who is in his 80s) has been smoking since he was 9 years old, and is cancer free. Granted, his teeth are terrible, but even if he got cancer tomorrow the cigarettes would not have stolen his precious life.