We Need Some Fresh Meat

why advertize a different chat site on this chat site ?
kinda shitty thing to do isnt it

No reason why someone can't be on both at the same time. Not literally the same time, of course, Schrodinger's cat's claims to the contrary. And as you'll note, I *did* apologize in advance and promise tribute.
posted beyond your bait thread......

Ah, thanks. I can only speak for myself. I have been posting since we all arrived in various threads, not just the one that's been hijacked by the Amazon Stalker aka "Top." I haven't seen any other Amazonites posting elsewhere yet but then I haven't looked at but a small # of the dozens of threads here. Tried to post in one earlier today and saw that it had a long list of blocked people including myself.

Recommendations for lively threads?
For real? There's a crab legs forum?

sad....I just checked out your only foray into the world of debate......you condemned generalizations then thanked a generalization and followed up by repeating it......if that represents the quality of lib'rul debate at your board there's no use going.......your crew couldn't pose a challenge to a flea......
sad....I just checked out your only foray into the world of debate......you condemned generalizations then thanked a generalization and followed up by repeating it......if that represents the quality of lib'rul debate at your board there's no use going.......your crew couldn't pose a challenge to a flea......

Easy to say from here,you might be surprised going into a den of angry libs,who don't hug trees,don't save whales.
sad....I just checked out your only foray into the world of debate......you condemned generalizations then thanked a generalization and followed up by repeating it......if that represents the quality of lib'rul debate at your board there's no use going.......your crew couldn't pose a challenge to a flea......

Aw, how cute. Look some more, big feller.
My apologies in advance for poaching on our hosts' lands. My servants will present you with a proper tribute. The ears and jowls of Trump, perhaps? Ivanka's favorite heels, with or w/o Ivanka still attached? Hillary's nude work-out videos?

For many years Amazon(dot)com hosted a variety of discussion forums on various topics including politics. Lately they disbanded them and now we refugees are People Without a Homeland. We've started various groups here and there, including here. The Amazon refugee forum here started out well but has been co-opted by a malignant presence and transformed into a gossip-only-about-MEEEE thread instead. I really like the Goodreads' format and we do have a talkative group going. Unfortunately we're top-heavy on elitist libtards and we need some RWNJs to round out the breeding program. Any brave souls like to volunteer?


Is it still going? Sometimes it is fun to do without disruptive people but not for long. I still have fun with identifying the idiots on a forum. "idiots" being broadly defined as genetically deficient people. It's not their fault they are stupid or mentally ill. That's why I stopped replying to Truth Detector. It was like taking candy from a retarded baby.

The same applies to others here, but sometimes I respond just to confront their idiocy from infecting others like the Trump virus.