bill gates is a bad example to use for this.
Do you think he was only guy in the world who messed around with computers? Do you ever consider that probably hundreds of others worked day and night trying to develop something?
bill gates is a bad example to use for this.
I'm sorry but I don't agree. Luck and circumstances come into play some times but not always and even when they do one must have the skills required to capitalize on the luck and circumstances which may arize. With out the productives skills to do that luck and circumstances mean very little. Even those who inherit wealth and do little of productive use to create wealth (other than for themselves) they still have to have the skills neccessary to protect and preserve that wealth or it will simply dissappear. Luck and circumstances certainly come into play but you can't divorce those from the productive ability and hard work required to create wealth. By your definition of luck and circumstances wealth is a static thing. It is not. It must be produced.
What I meant was luck and circumstance play a larger role than hard work. The examples I gave, the location of a business or whether a big box store moves into the neighborhood and decimates a small business or developers move into an area increasing land value has nothing to do with hard work.
Take an ice cream shop. Two shops located in the same small town. The first one is staffed by a man and a woman , say in their mid-30's, while the other is staffed by two 18-25 year old girls. The latter shop is going to make more money, much more money. Young people, the main purchasers of ice cream products, are going to frequent the latter shop. What difference, work-wise, did the owners do when hiring staff? Even assuming the older couple are more mature, have more business sense, are more competent, the latter shop will be a better success.
While knowing the market, the customers, is vital to a business' success my point is acquiring wealth is not a matter of hard work in the sense not acquiring wealth means one is lazy. The same applies to acquiring a job. The same applies to those struggling. The same applies to the homeless. It's the attitude that those who don't succeed are at fault, that they're lazy, when that is unually not the case.
In today's economy there are 50 or more people applying for one job. Rather than some folks realizing one has a 1 in 50 chance of "success" they blame the person who was not hired. Whether they apply for 10 jobs or 100 jobs their chance still remains 1 in 50 each time they apply as opposed to someone thinking if an individual applies for 50 jobs and the odds are 1 in 50 they're guaranteed to get hired. Their application rate is not cumulative and that's why, as a society, we have to help those less fortunate instead of blaming them.
Do you think he was only guy in the world who messed around with computers? Do you ever consider that probably hundreds of others worked day and night trying to develop something?
all this whining and bitching about 'luck and circumstances' is smoke and mirrors. stop protesting the 1% on wall street and go after the real shakers and changers (also known as deciders and choosers) when it comes to who wins and loses in the economy........congress.
Similiar thing in my field. That's understandable. How in their right fucking mind wants to work with hazardous waste? LOLI know there are 5-8 jobs for every person applying in my field.
Similiar thing in my field. That's understandable. How in their right fucking mind wants to work with hazardous waste? LOL
I think it would be best accomplished via heavy progressive taxation targeted towards the threshold between where the most educated and talented members of the productive class (such as doctors) start fading out and the most grotesquely overpaid members of the owning class start fading in - around 300k - 500k. 50% would be a moderate top rate, but I think that 70% or so would be just fine as well. It worked just fine in the past, it will work fine now. All it will do is discourage owners from choosing to increase their own fat salary instead of investing back into their business or paying their workers more.
That's my brother inlaws business. He built a pole barn on his property and installed a couple of CNC machines and some other automated tools and does conctract work.Yeah but my field is CNC. For all the people who piss and moan about America not manufacturing stuff, they sure as fuck aren't the ones learning how to do it.