We went from Black excellence and class to just straight up trash

I'm certain all the intelligent, educated and sane people can figure it out. You? Not so much. LOL

Still couldn't answer the question. If as you say there is no such thing as race, then wouldn't that mean
there would be no such thing as a racist? Give it shot and try to answer the question. This is your last
chance to prove you aren't as dumb as you project to be.
Still couldn't answer the question. If as you say there is no such thing as race, then wouldn't that mean
there would be no such thing as a racist? Give it shot and try to answer the question. This is your last
chance to prove you aren't as dumb as you project to be.
Scroll up, son. Sound out the words. It's okay if your lips move. :thup:
No genius, that was a jerk getting nailed, put on 2 years suspension and then re-instated.

This has NOTHING to do with an unqualified drunk with a history of mismanagement and reprehensible misogynistic actions being installed over a career decorated (on and off the field of battle) senior veteran with decades of experience.

In other words, another kiss ass flunky for Cheeto Jeezus.

Once again, an expat Brit living in Thailand who is obsessed with promoting and defending MAGA social politics in the USA no matter how absurd. Man, WTF is your problem? Get a life.