We will reduce pork spending!!!!

Small consolation considering that that government takes in $85 grand per second in receipts. We don't need more revenue, we don't need more spending, we don't need bigger government than we already have.

The democrats, yes, at least they admit that more spending means higher taxes, the republicans, jackass stallwarts that have no idea how anything works. So if those are my choices, I'll opt out.

Wow, I can't believe after the laughable year that just transpired in Congress, you can claim the Republicans are the idiots. laughable...
Wow, I can't believe after the laughable year that just transpired in Congress, you can claim the Republicans are the idiots. laughable...

I can't believe you think they're smart. The last 7 years have been the biggest growth in government ever thanks in part to cheerleaders like you.

Worst spending ever, and you don't think they're idiots. Enough said.

With all do respect, the past 7, or the 5 to 6 years the Republicans held congress, events beyond their control forced their hand, we had to cut taxes to boost the economy, we had to fight the savages of 9/11, and the pillars that supported them and their fundamentalists fanaticism, we lost a major city to a natural disaster, at least it was war and natural disaster that the Republicans struggled with, what have the dims struggled with, besides themselves?

With all do respect, the past 7, or the 5 to 6 years the Republicans held congress, events beyond their control forced their hand, we had to cut taxes to boost the economy, we had to fight the savages of 9/11, and the pillars that supported them and their fundamentalists fanaticism, we lost a major city to a natural disaster, at least it was war and natural disaster that the Republicans struggled with, what have the dims struggled with, besides themselves?

So, the Republicans have been fiscally responsible for the last 7 year?

William, I can appreciate idealism, but adhering yourself to the worst fiscal disaster of all time while claiming to be fiscally responsible is laughable. Laughable.

Consider yourself a Republican before anything else and then it makes sense.
Your opinion is fine. At least you're consistent. I'm talking about the people that continually vote Republican while criticizing Democrats for being better than the Republicans. It's hilarious.

Superfreak pretends he's a deficit hawk, yet he stays silent when the Republicans refuse to follow paygo rules and the like.

I'd also add that I don't care one whit about earmarks. They account for a tiny portion of the overall budget. They could all disappear tomorrow and no one would notice except for the organizations that used to receive them.

The fiscal irresponsibility is one thing I have most certainly not stayed silent on. Try a search on the phrase "not lowered the national debt since 1960" and see how many time I have said that. If you don't know a persons position, perhaps it would be best for you to remain silent and thus not end up looking like a fool.
The fiscal irresponsibility is one thing I have most certainly not stayed silent on. Try a search on the phrase "not lowered the national debt since 1960" and see how many time I have said that. If you don't know a persons position, perhaps it would be best for you to remain silent and thus not end up looking like a fool.

Perhaps you should read more carefully. I said you "stay silent when the Republicans refuse to follow paygo rules and the like." I didn't say you stayed silent on fiscal irresponsibility. You should know that I wouldn't make such a claim.

Please point out your criticism of the Republicans abandoning paygo, either when they took control of Congress or, most recently, when they refused to go along with the temporary AMT fix with the necessary offset for paygo rules.
Perhaps you should read more carefully. I said you "stay silent when the Republicans refuse to follow paygo rules and the like." I didn't say you stayed silent on fiscal irresponsibility. You should know that I wouldn't make such a claim.

Please point out your criticism of the Republicans abandoning paygo, either when they took control of Congress or, most recently, when they refused to go along with the temporary AMT fix with the necessary offset for paygo rules.

That is my point... look up the phrase I mentioned. I have consistently criticized them for their spending. Normally it occurs on threads where I mention that the idiots in DC have not lowered the national debt since 1960.

You can also search my posts for discussions on the tax cuts. There too you will see that I have been consistent. Tax cuts without corresponding spending cuts do not work in the long term. They can work in the short term, but without cuts they are fiscally irresponsible.

Again, if you do not know a persons position, you should remain silent.
That is my point... look up the phrase I mentioned. I have consistently criticized them for their spending. Normally it occurs on threads where I mention that the idiots in DC have not lowered the national debt since 1960.

You can also search my posts for discussions on the tax cuts. There too you will see that I have been consistent. Tax cuts without corresponding spending cuts do not work in the long term. They can work in the short term, but without cuts they are fiscally irresponsible.

Again, if you do not know a persons position, you should remain silent.

Freak - I am well-aware of your position on the national debt. We've discussed it pretty thoroughly on a number of occasions.

I apologize for saying that you pretend to be a deficit hawk. That was inaccurate. You are a deficit hawk. Absolutely. Yet, you do not focus your criticism toward Republicans when they do dumbass things, such as abandoning paygo rules.

The whole point of paygo is to do what you claim needs to be done: you can't create a new spending program without creating the income to pay for it and you can't cut taxes without corresponding spending cuts. That's why I think it is so odd that you remain silent on the paygo issue.
Freak - I am well-aware of your position on the national debt. We've discussed it pretty thoroughly on a number of occasions.

I apologize for saying that you pretend to be a deficit hawk. That was inaccurate. You are a deficit hawk. Absolutely. Yet, you do not focus your criticism toward Republicans when they do dumbass things, such as abandoning paygo rules.

The whole point of paygo is to do what you claim needs to be done: you can't create a new spending program without creating the income to pay for it and you can't cut taxes without corresponding spending cuts. That's why I think it is so odd that you remain silent on the paygo issue.

While I cannot say for certain that I have even taken part in a discussion specifically on paygo, I have criticized their irresponsible spending. Especially that idiotic pill bill, the bridge to nowhere etc...

Again, not sure if I have mentioned the paygo bill specifically, but I would think the bitching about their spending like liberals would pretty much convey the fact that I am not happy with their idea of fiscal responsibility.
That said, if you want my specific comments on paygo... I think it is idiotic that they actually need a bill to tell them to do the fiscally responsible thing. Though, given that most of the idiots we send to DC seem to be idiots when it comes to economics and accounting, perhaps they do indeed need such an idiotic reminder.