weed+extacy+drinking all day+cocaine=Robdawg in Mexico

back in the day i was a total partyier... every weekend i woujld get banged up on X... but then i grew up (kinda)

everything is just way lax down here... i mean the freakin cabbie sold us some weed for 40 bucks and it would have a street value of over 100 in the US...they must grow it here or something... also usually im pretty drunk when the billcomes and i can't figure out how to do the tip in pesos.


how did the cabbie even come to offer you it? did he just go hey, want some weed? or did you ask him?
he asked if we wanted a pipe my friend said no we don't need one then he said do you need something to put in it..
So how did you come to trust him to give you good stuff? I never bought weed from a stranger.... back when I was using that kind of thing that is...

puerto vallarta. last night went to this bar and had drinks,then my friend david went to some club, and i went home and smoked a joint and went to bed.
Premier LA Collective

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Northern arrogance is well documented and is again proven in this thread, but I will forgive it as a technicality of intoxication.

Rob, thank you for sharing.

And I don't mean for telling us this harrowing tale, I mean thank you for sharing your drugs with your friend. That was generous.

Use it as an opportunity to build a bridge across cultural misunderstandings. Perhaps if you are not presumptuous of his character as a son of the South, he will share some whiskey with you at a later time.

People in Canada were good to me despite the fact that I "talked funny", and I was good to them in return. It was a learning lesson for many of them, who have little time to get to know Americans personally and may have bigoted ideas about us.

And they ain't just "Northerners" like you, Rob. They're the True North Strong and Free.

Surely even you recognize there are very good reasons to hate the south.

"Bigoted" should not be in your lexicon of defense for the south.