Weight loss ideas for seniors

Mason Michaels

Verified User
Since a prostate cancer operation have gained 20 lbs.
I go work out at the pool
6 days a week
Getting no where
losing weight.
Any ideas,or things that
worked for you
men in there 60's
Since a prostate cancer operation have gained 20 lbs.
I go work out at the pool
6 days a week
Getting no where
losing weight.
Any ideas,or things that
worked for you
men in there 60's

I'm not 60, but decreasing carbs, and processed sugars, makes your body burn fat for fuel. I also rely heavily on Dannon Triple zero yogurts for my sweet snack.
I am not a nutritional expert, and I am not 60, but this is what worked for me to get down to and maintain my ideal weight:

Exercise is not enough, I had to really think about what I was putting in my body.

40-60 minutes walking every day.
3 days a week strength training.
Recreational kayaking, or hiking, weekends
East more protein, eat less carbohydrates and less dairy. I eat a lot of fish.
Do not drink beer, do not eat a lot of bread.
Food portion control.
Do not ever buy junk food at the grocery store. If you don't have it around the house, you won't be eating it.
Snacks = fruit, nuts, yogurt, seeds, pretzels, popcorn.

I really found cutting back carbohydrates and dairy to be one of the most effective things I could do, along with a concerted effort at aerobic activity. I think strength training really helps too,.
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I’m not a male in my 60’s but a female and the advice above is what I do. Limit my carbs and sugar, increase your good proteins, learn to love fruits and veggies.

Good luck
Since a prostate cancer operation have gained 20 lbs.
I go work out at the pool
6 days a week
Getting no where
losing weight.
Any ideas,or things that
worked for you
men in there 60's
I swim 3 - 4 workouts a week, do a training plan for 5k three times a week, cross country ski, sometimes cycle (push it hard as I can) , try to eat healthy but occasionally sneak in a burger which screws up everything. I was 5'11", 185 with a goal to get to 175 and haven't cracked below 180 for over 20 yrs. Tried everything so I hear your frustration.
This is what I'm doing recently. I weigh in every 3 days with the goal of reducing .1kg each weigh in. I don't always succeed but the goal being the long term trend line -.1kg every 3 days (or -.3kg after 9 days).
When I fail my weigh in it's not by much but I know what I have to do the next three days to get back to that trend line. So it's a series of repeatable small goals.
At the last weigh in I was 181 and haven't found it difficult to stay on track.
Even though testosterone decreases as men age, it is still present. Weight lifting will help you gain muscle mass, which burns calories more efficiently than other tissue types (like fat). That being said, if you increase muscle mass without doing aerobic exercise you'll maintain or even increase your weight. Lots of good advice here about combining cardio with dietary changes.

Mason, your Y pool workouts are a good start. I would advise adding stationary bike (20-30 mins/day) or treadmill or eliptical to your routine. Try to limit your carb intake to no more than the equivalent of 3 slices of whole wheat bread, or one medium baked potato, or a cup or less of whole wheat pasta. Fill up on veggies, the less cooked the better -- they give you a feeling of fullness while working out your digestive tract which prolongs the full feeling. The advice from JD about yogurt for the sweet dessert is a good one. I would also try to limit your protein intake to no more than the equivalent of six oz of meat/chicken/fish per day if possible. Water, drinks lots and lots of water -- 64 ounces a day or more.
Fruits are carbs too, if you truly want to go ketogenic you need to reduce carbs to about 20% of your intake.
Even though testosterone decreases as men age, it is still present. Weight lifting will help you gain muscle mass, which burns calories more efficiently than other tissue types (like fat). That being said, if you increase muscle mass without doing aerobic exercise you'll maintain or even increase your weight. Lots of good advice here about combining cardio with dietary changes.

Mason, your Y pool workouts are a good start. I would advise adding stationary bike (20-30 mins/day) or treadmill or eliptical to your routine. Try to limit your carb intake to no more than the equivalent of 3 slices of whole wheat bread, or one medium baked potato, or a cup or less of whole wheat pasta. Fill up on veggies, the less cooked the better -- they give you a feeling of fullness while working out your digestive tract which prolongs the full feeling. The advice from JD about yogurt for the sweet dessert is a good one. I would also try to limit your protein intake to no more than the equivalent of six oz of meat/chicken/fish per day if possible. Water, drinks lots and lots of water -- 64 ounces a day or more.

We are going to stop buying bread,cut potato's to twice a week.
Just bought a lot of fish and broccoli.