Weight loss ideas for seniors

We are going to stop buying bread,cut potato's to twice a week.
Just bought a lot of fish and broccoli.

The carb and sugar cutting suggestions are good advice.

That also includes pasta and white rice, too.

Switch to whole wheat bread and limit the amount you eat to a slice or two a day.

And in case you weren't aware of it, just because a bread product says "wheat" on the label and it's dark brown in color, does not mean it's really WHOLE wheat. Check the ingredient label. If it's made with whole wheat flour, those will be the very first words in the list of ingredients. If the first words are "enriched flour", don't even bother. You might as well just get white bread, because it's the same thing.

Good luck!!!!
Fruits are carbs too, if you truly want to go ketogenic you need to reduce carbs to about 20% of your intake.

I don't think anyone is talking about that radical of a weight loss plan.

Fruits might have carbs, but they also have fiber, so they are complex carbs.

If you subtract the grams of fiber from the grams of carbs, you get the net carbs and that is what matters.
I don't think anyone is talking about that radical of a weight loss plan.

Fruits might have carbs, but they also have fiber, so they are complex carbs.

If you subtract the grams of fiber from the grams of carbs, you get the net carbs and that is what matters.

However if your carbs reach over 20% you will lose the benefit of the ketogenic effect. Basically, should he take that route, it would be best to avoid too many fruits.
We are going to stop buying bread,cut potato's to twice a week.
Just bought a lot of fish and broccoli.

Oh man, you are on your way then.

I am not as smart on this nutrition sciencey stuff as Owl and others.
But not drinking alcohol, and only infrequently partaking of bread, pasta, potatoes has made a huge difference for me.
And in my social circle, not drinking beer is a real cramp on my style!
The strength training really seems to help, because from what I gather you burn more calories as you gain more muscle mass.
Buy more fish. Much more fish. Did I mention fish? Seafood? Buy it. You want to buy it. You need to buy it.....you crave it........!


If I could just have one small steak or bit of ham per week, the rest of the time it could be all fish all the time.
Anyone Born With a Silver Spoon in His Mouth Will Always Speak With a Forked Tongue

Carbohydrates are plant food, which isn't around in the winter. If you eat too many carbohydrates, your body gets the signal that you will starve to death in the winter unless it stores them as fat to get you through that. Excess protein and dietary fat are around all year, so they are not stored as body fat.

The following conclusion is not allowed by the ruling class's authoritarian opinion-makers: Nature has a way of reinforcing itself. For most of human history, it took a lot of courage to kill a wild animal. So those who eat meat still are set up to gain courage, which threatens the ruling class. That's why the rulers in the tyrannical hereditary Hindu caste system made meat untouchable.
Anyone Born With a Silver Spoon in His Mouth Will Always Speak With a Forked Tongue

Carbohydrates are plant food, which isn't around in the winter. If you eat too many carbohydrates, your body gets the signal that you will starve to death in the winter unless it stores them as fat to get you through that. Excess protein and dietary fat are around all year, so they are not stored as body fat.

False. All foods consumed are broken down into glucose. Once broken down into glucose, the body makes no distinction between the source of that glucose. Any calories consumed in excess of what the body needs will be stored as fat. Period.

The advice is to consume complex carbs, proteins, and fiber-containing foods because the GI tract takes longer to digest these and convert them into glucose. This 1) causes your body to draw on its stores to continue operating, and 2) uses more energy than digesting simple sugars.