weird dog

Push her butt down and say sit firmly and then praise her. She wants to please she just needs to figuire out what you want for sure.

I miss my Lab Boy.They are real love bunnys for sure.
Push her butt down and say sit firmly and then praise her. She wants to please she just needs to figuire out what you want for sure.

I miss my Lab Boy.They are real love bunnys for sure.

lol. I already miss her. I want to go home to see her now.
lol. I already miss her. I want to go home to see her now.

I knew you'd get hooked! :)

The peeing could be accidents or could be anxiety-related. My little BC girl took quite a while to get over peeing in new, unfamiliar situations.

Best strategy is to get into a routine -- as soon as she's eaten and had a drink, take her outside. As soon as she wakes up, either in the morning or from a nap, taker her outside. Keep an eye out if she starts sort of circling, nose to the floor, etc. Take her outside. She'll quickly associate that with going potty and I predict it won't take long before she comes to you to "tell" you she needs to go. You're already praising her for going appropriately, so that's great.

A lot of the people I train with use the dog's food pellets as treats. We give a LOT of treats during training, so the meal sizes are reduced accordingly and the dogs are happy. For other treats I use the smallest I can (Charlie Bears are good), but you can overdo the treats. We did with our first guy from the pound (neither of us knew the other was giving so many treats) and then the poor guy came down with awful diarrhea for a day til we figured it out.

The PetZyme stuff is really great. So is Nature's Miracle Orange, and Get Serious. You do have to sop up all the liquid from those as well, but as Damo said these contain ingredients that neutralize the pheromones that otherwise will act as an attractant. You can get any of those at Petsmart.

I learned that my guys, during potty training, seemed to think that they were giving me a present (squatted right in front of me and looked so proud!). I concluded that, as puppies, they never do anything they don't want to do so must have thought I liked cleaning up after them! Once I realized this and got my husband to take them out while I took care of an accident, we simply didn't have any more accidents. Coincidence? Unlikely.
I knew you'd get hooked! :)

The peeing could be accidents or could be anxiety-related. My little BC girl took quite a while to get over peeing in new, unfamiliar situations.

Best strategy is to get into a routine -- as soon as she's eaten and had a drink, take her outside. As soon as she wakes up, either in the morning or from a nap, taker her outside. Keep an eye out if she starts sort of circling, nose to the floor, etc. Take her outside. She'll quickly associate that with going potty and I predict it won't take long before she comes to you to "tell" you she needs to go. You're already praising her for going appropriately, so that's great.

A lot of the people I train with use the dog's food pellets as treats. We give a LOT of treats during training, so the meal sizes are reduced accordingly and the dogs are happy. For other treats I use the smallest I can (Charlie Bears are good), but you can overdo the treats. We did with our first guy from the pound (neither of us knew the other was giving so many treats) and then the poor guy came down with awful diarrhea for a day til we figured it out.

The PetZyme stuff is really great. So is Nature's Miracle Orange, and Get Serious. You do have to sop up all the liquid from those as well, but as Damo said these contain ingredients that neutralize the pheromones that otherwise will act as an attractant. You can get any of those at Petsmart.

I learned that my guys, during potty training, seemed to think that they were giving me a present (squatted right in front of me and looked so proud!). I concluded that, as puppies, they never do anything they don't want to do so must have thought I liked cleaning up after them! Once I realized this and got my husband to take them out while I took care of an accident, we simply didn't have any more accidents. Coincidence? Unlikely.

Thanks Thorn! Great advice. Any ideas as to how long it takes to train them. I saw an ad on the net saying it would take a week. Any chance of that happening?
dogs peeing in house.. well my boxer was HARD to train.. my Lab was piece of cake..granted was my second dog on my own and a far easier breed.

Crate train them.. when u let them out of crate.. directly outside.. advise you to bring them to area of the yard that you want them to always go to. eventually they will catch on. mine goes to the woods to poop.

When you see them suddenly stop playing and beginning to sniff around.. grab them and put them outside. also you may do well to train then to give you an indication they need to go. A little bell on the bottom of the front door is slick. take the paw and ring it before u put them out.
uhhuh. i have become good at training them by following the conventional wisdom. Plan to do some fostering of boxers down road.. AWESOME dogs but so many are not trained right and far to rambunctious for uneducated owners who get tired of them and abandon or give them up.

If properly trained in foster home for a couple months they can then be given back to a good family to make a great pet. Home System 4B.htm
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uhhuh. i have become good at training them by following the conventional wisdom. Plan to do some fostering of boxers down road.. AWESOME dogs but so many are not trained right and far to rambunctious for uneducated owners who get tired of them and abandon or give them up.

If properly trained in foster home for a couple months they can then be given back to a good family to make a great pet. Home System 4B.htm

My boyfriend wants this to be the first and last foster we do.

I like my puppy, but she demands a lot of attention.
Man I hate my roommate's dog.

She's a submissive pisser and scared to death of me. If I even approach her she lays on her back and pees until I let her outside.

Fucking weird. I hate that thing. I get mad at her for doing something stupid (chewing furniture) and she pisses, and I get more mad, and she pisses more.

I wish he'd sell her. Huskies clearly aren't a good choice of breed for our living situation.
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She fears you .

Have some class and prove to her you are not a threat.

Buy some of the bittter lemon or apple stuff to spray on whatever you want her to leave alone.

Show her you are part of her pack and she will respond. Your attitude is plainer to her than it is to you. She knows how you feel about her. Dont wish abandonment on her.
She fears you .

Have some class and prove to her you are not a threat.

Buy some of the bittter lemon or apple stuff to spray on whatever you want her to leave alone.

Show her you are part of her pack and she will respond. Your attitude is plainer to her than it is to you. She knows how you feel about her. Dont wish abandonment on her.

Is there any way to change her perception of me?

I try to pet her and feed her, but she won't eat around me, and if I'm not actively petting her she will go sit by the door and wait to be let outside. Basically she fears to be around me, which would be fine if she stayed outside all the time and if it weren't my house too. But the pissing fits have got to stop somehow. I can't be kept out of half of my house just because the dog pisses everytime I go in that wing.

I'm trying to talk my roommate into keeping her outside all the time.
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Lay on the floor and present your belly to her and whimper.Get down on all fours roll over with you knees and arms to the ceiling. It shows submission.

Give her treats if your room mate will let you. Buy her a toy she likes and rub it on your skin before you give it to her.

She is a dog and you need to think like a dog. When I meet a new dog and they try to sniff my face I gentlely blow a long slow full exhale in their faces. If you do it gentlely you will see them sniff it all up. It lets them know all about you. This is why the sniff each others butts. They can tell alot by smell.

She wants to love you so help her do so. She thinks you are an alpha male who wants to dominate her. This is why she pees. She fears you and peeing is complete submission. Show her you will let her dominate you. I would not sugest this with an alpha male dog ,they would hump you.
Lay on the floor and present your belly to her and whimper.Get down on all fours roll over with you knees and arms to the ceiling. It shows submission.

Okay that sounds ridiculous to the point of being a trick, but if it would actually help I really might try it.

I feel so sorry for her. She looks so pathetic and scared when I'm around.
I think you should try it Epi.

Make sure you put it on Youtube when you do though.