Weird extended family


Hail Voltaire
Many of the members of my extended family are very strange, very fucked up, or both. Just to give you an idea of who I spent Thanksgiving with, I have two aunts who are total attention whores. They're of the variety that actually wants an illness for the sympathy. Back when my great grandmother died, her physician suspected that she had tuberculosis (never confirmed), and my aunts were thrilled at the prospect of having contracted the disease. They've also threatened to slash their wrists on multiple occasions (unfortunately, they never followed through). I also have a cousin who constantly, loudly preaches against everyone else's decisions/lifestyle - nobody is spared judgment. And yet he, a 30-year-old man, has been secretly banging a girl who he claims to be "mentoring" and began doing so when she was seventeen years old (I think she's nineteen years old now). And then there's my grandparents, who believe Obama is the antichrist, and that all homosexuals and people with AIDS should be sterilized and shuffled off to a remote island.

These are the people I spent Thanksgiving with. But unlike last year, when I didn't drink around them to avoid the controversy (they think alcohol is of the devil), I intentionally became plastered in front of them. :clink:

Anyone else spend Thanksgiving with people who annoy you?
Many of the members of my extended family are very strange, very fucked up, or both. Just to give you an idea of who I spent Thanksgiving with, I have two aunts who are total attention whores. They're of the variety that actually wants an illness for the sympathy. Back when my great grandmother died, her physician suspected that she had tuberculosis (never confirmed), and my aunts were thrilled at the prospect of having contracted the disease. They've also threatened to slash their wrists on multiple occasions (unfortunately, they never followed through). I also have a cousin who constantly, loudly preaches against everyone else's decisions/lifestyle - nobody is spared judgment. And yet he, a 30-year-old man, has been secretly banging a girl who he claims to be "mentoring" and began doing so when she was seventeen years old (I think she's nineteen years old now). And then there's my grandparents, who believe Obama is the antichrist, and that all homosexuals and people with AIDS should be sterilized and shuffled off to a remote island.

These are the people I spent Thanksgiving with. But unlike last year, when I didn't drink around them to avoid the controversy (they think alcohol is of the devil), I intentionally became plastered in front of them. :clink:

Anyone else spend Thanksgiving with people who annoy you?

My wife and I worked, mainly because we didn't have time to go see her family in PA, and my family can go fuck themselves. I spent it making money and enjoying loud metal while I drank and worked.
I think a better question would be to ask, is your $60 worth Skyrim? No, your $60 is not worth Skyrim.

Also, I pirated it. I do not have $60. Do you have a 360 or something you could play it on? Because you're likely to not get a good experience on anything below a mid-range rig.

I have a 360, which is why piracy isn't an option. One of my desktops could probably play it (it's certainly powerful enough), but I'm more of a console guy.
I have a 360, which is why piracy isn't an option. One of my desktops could probably play it (it's certainly powerful enough), but I'm more of a console guy.

Yeah, I'd just get it for the 360. PC gamers such as myself love to torture ourselves for the hope of cranking out the best possible performance, and we also get mods, which will turn out to be a big deal for this game in a year or two. But most people just like to skip the shit and grab something that just works. Which the 360 is great at. The PC version honestly doesn't look that much better anyway.

I'd also like to point out that I'm very much opposed to piracy. However, I also believe that there is much to be said for hypocrisy. It gets kind of a bad rap.
I pirate from companies that I don't like or morally agree with. Bethesda sits on the fence, so I don't pirate from them yet. Mods are probably the biggest reason FOR PC games versus consoles. Modded New Vegas is fucking awesome.
It is not my duty as a private citizen to decide whether or not the ethics of a corporation allows me to violate their intellectual property rights, and in any case, being the flawed creatures that we are, we will probably make such judgement somewhat towards our own self-interest. It is only my duty to act with complete and total hypocrisy in regards to the arguments I have laid forth against actions which I commit daily and will continue to commit into the foreseeable future, with zero feeling of remorse and little care any one way or the other.
It is not my duty as a private citizen to decide whether or not the ethics of a corporation allows me to violate their intellectual property rights, and in any case, being the flawed creatures that we are, we will probably make such judgement somewhat towards our own self-interest. It is only my duty to act with complete and total hypocrisy in regards to the arguments I have laid forth against actions which I commit daily and will continue to commit into the foreseeable future, with zero feeling of remorse and little care any one way or the other.

I would argue otherwise, that it is my sacred duty to uphold those who I do business with to the same ethical code that I follow myself.
i pirate shit because it's free and I don't care and I'll never get caught. And some stuff I pirate I would never buy anyway so it's of no loss to them. And for the things I would buy anyway, I still don't give a shit.
It is not my duty as a private citizen to decide whether or not the ethics of a corporation allows me to violate their intellectual property rights, and in any case, being the flawed creatures that we are, we will probably make such judgement somewhat towards our own self-interest. It is only my duty to act with complete and total hypocrisy in regards to the arguments I have laid forth against actions which I commit daily and will continue to commit into the foreseeable future, with zero feeling of remorse and little care any one way or the other.

OBW?......(occupy bandwidth).......
It is not my duty as a private citizen to decide whether or not the ethics of a corporation allows me to violate their intellectual property rights, and in any case, being the flawed creatures that we are, we will probably make such judgement somewhat towards our own self-interest. It is only my duty to act with complete and total hypocrisy in regards to the arguments I have laid forth against actions which I commit daily and will continue to commit into the foreseeable future, with zero feeling of remorse and little care any one way or the other.
I have a nice Boliva for sale!
i pirate shit because it's free and I don't care and I'll never get caught. And some stuff I pirate I would never buy anyway so it's of no loss to them. And for the things I would buy anyway, I still don't give a shit.
That's what I like about you Grind. Your very principled. You're a man who truly cares about apathy.
i pirate shit because it's free and I don't care and I'll never get caught. And some stuff I pirate I would never buy anyway so it's of no loss to them. And for the things I would buy anyway, I still don't give a shit.

On an individual level, sure, it's no big deal. Enforcement on piracy is so weak that it's effectively legal anyway. On the collective level, it's turning out to be pretty disastrous. It's one of those things that are individually beneficial, mutually destructive. We've never seen piracy on the level we're seeing in this century, and every industry heavily effected by it is falling apart. So, emotionally, I want it and know I won't be punished anyway. It would take a very stodgy busybody to individually place such enforcements on themselves in the current environment. On a logical level, looking at the general picture, I want to see some kind of effective enforcement put in place, or some other method of rectifying the current situation.
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I honestly have no idea why this is so hard to prosecute? Why is this all done in civil court? I mean, most of it takes place in public. I don't exactly agree with the draconian sentences leveled out by current laws, but those draconian sentences are merely a sign of how weak and pathetic current enforcement is. As I've said before, cruelty is a sign of weakness. If we quickly identified offenders and levelled out proportionate fines on a massive scale, it would take little time for piracy to level off. As it is, in a realistic sense, is it really even illegal? If I have a piece of paper saying "This action is illegal and you'll die if you do it!", and no one on Earth backs it up or gives a fuck about it, what have I really accomplished? That's the current law against piracy. It talks the talk, it does not walk the walk. It is weak, and no one respects it.
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