Weird extended family

I honestly have no idea why this is so hard to prosecute? Why is this all done in civil court? I mean, most of it takes place in public. I don't exactly agree with the draconian sentences leveled out by current laws, but those draconian sentences are merely a sign of how weak and pathetic current enforcement is. As I've said before, cruelty is a sign of weakness. If we quickly identified offenders and levelled out proportionate fines on a massive scale, it would take little time for piracy to level off. As it is, in a realistic sense, is it really even illegal? If I have a piece of paper saying "This action is illegal and you'll die if you do it!", and no one on Earth backs it up or gives a fuck about it, what have I really accomplished? That's the current law against piracy. It talks the talk, it does not walk the walk. It is weak, and no one respects it.

I think it's hard to prosecute because it's hard to build a case/get to that point in the first place. Your isp doesn't know what you are specifically downloading, and even if they did, you could just say it was someone else on your wifi network (mine is locked but that's the excuse I would use in court :p)
I think it's alright to hold "I will not buy your products" above the heads of corporations as a bargaining tool. I don't think it's alright to not buy them and use them anyway.

I do, as it is more likely (though still unlikely) to affect change. A company that does not have my business at all wil not see me as potential profit. Of course how is a company to know my piracy. Haven't figured that part out in my morality. Still evolving you see.
I will say that the bands I like and download music from I support by going to their shows. That's where they get most of their money from anyway, so really I am just screwing over a faceless corporation that eats babies.
I will say that the bands I like and download music from I support by going to their shows. That's where they get most of their money from anyway, so really I am just screwing over a faceless corporation that eats babies.

Record companies are the reasons most music sucks today to begin with.