Welcome To Hell!

Did you even LOOK at the pictures of murdered children I included?

that's nothing......I could post pictures of aborted children that would make you hurl....

Did any of them look like fucking fetuses to you!? Also, who the hell are you to tell embryos that they should grow and be born into a world mostly populated by those who are worthy to suck the maggots out of a dead skunks ass.
so we should get rid of you and keep them?.......works for me......
An interesting dream world you live in. Utterly disgusting, but interesting. About 98% of the time that I see a negro male out in public with a female, it is a white female. Only very very very rarely do I ever see a White male with a negro female. No doubt the same held true for any White people who owned slaves. They would probably be as apt to screw a sheep. You also must have seen the statistics I quoted on the number of rapes-sexual assaults by either Whites or blacks on the women of another race. You have to be high to think that it has anything to do with some Whites having enslaved negroes at one time. Also, if cops are "racist" at all, it is because negroes commit most of the crimes.

But all that is besides the point. The point is the tens of thousands of White children that have been brutally murdered by negroes. Murders that you are also partially guilty of. LOOK at the pictures of the children you helped murder. Enlarge the photos and read about how they died. SEE the consequences of your crimes!

You are a real weirdo, aren't you. What magic is it, do you suppose, that whitened the skin of so many 'black' people, and allowed so many of them to develop fair hair, and 'pass for white'? If you continue to force your cousins to live in slums and prevent them having work so that you can sell them drugs, some of them will inevitably learn from you - just as so many 'black' women don't see much point in hanging about with men so destroyed by your racist reich that they are useless as breadwinners, leaving the blokes to the clutches of your sex-obsessed, race-obsessed women. You are a truly sick society. Enjoy Trump!
You are a real weirdo, aren't you. What magic is it, do you suppose, that whitened the skin of so many 'black' people, and allowed so many of them to develop fair hair, and 'pass for white'? If you continue to force your cousins to live in slums and prevent them having work so that you can sell them drugs, some of them will inevitably learn from you - just as so many 'black' women don't see much point in hanging about with men so destroyed by your racist reich that they are useless as breadwinners, leaving the blokes to the clutches of your sex-obsessed, race-obsessed women. You are a truly sick society. Enjoy Trump!

If only what you said made any sense.
listen, the truth of the matter is, out of 10,000, a great number of those kids deserved it. Some no question were bratty little snots that got what was coming to them. Sometimes you have to kill some kids to let the rest know who is boss. Sorry but that's just the way it is.
You'll have to forgive Grind. He studied humanities under William Golding.