Welcome to the Above Plain Politics Forum


Staff member
When I first created JPP.com my first thought was to create three interlocking boards, one where normal messageboard play took place, one "above" plain politics board and one "below" plain politics board where all the muckraking and flaming took place. This turned out to be a bit of a stretch. So instead we're looking to create an area on this board where flaming, etc. is not welcome (although the rest of the board remains unchanged).

My first thought on "Above" plain politics would be that we could speak here about strategy and higher-level politics without the detriment of political affiliation, but I realize that is not likely to happen. We have our bias. So the goal is now that this place will be set aside for conversations without trash-talk and trolls.

I hope you will enjoy this new addition, as well as use the newly redacted "War Zone" where the Flame Wars can take place.

Enjoy the board folks, we're here for fun and get to know and learn the opinions of others!
I think everyone is a little wary about posting here in case they get shouted at or deleted or something.

So here i am to break the wall of silence.

(feel free to delete this though)
honestly the rules for this board would be what "normal rules" would be for every other message board.
Is there any possibility in pulling over the WaMu thread since it is pretty non-biased towards a political party and educational to the users? I would like it to be discussed more about the implications of what happened and get others actually interested in following the saga. Just a question, as I feel it's a pretty important topic to the future of our country.
Without a ban on personal attacks, name calling, and cross thread quoting/paraphrasing this forum is a big waste of time.
Without a ban on personal attacks, name calling, and cross thread quoting/paraphrasing this forum is a big waste of time.
The rules state we'll prune them when we figure it is needed. We'll work at it and figure it out over time.
In other words, The Southern Man's posting style does not have to change. *shrug*

As a matter of fact, my posting style does not have to change either.

But there may end up being some rules concerning our little bickering matches, southernman.
When I first created JPP.com my first thought was to create three interlocking boards, one where normal messageboard play took place, one "above" plain politics board and one "below" plain politics board where all the muckraking and flaming took place. This turned out to be a bit of a stretch. So instead we're looking to create an area on this board where flaming, etc. is not welcome (although the rest of the board remains unchanged).

My first thought on "Above" plain politics would be that we could speak here about strategy and higher-level politics without the detriment of political affiliation, but I realize that is not likely to happen. We have our bias. So the goal is now that this place will be set aside for conversations without trash-talk and trolls.

I hope you will enjoy this new addition, as well as use the newly redacted "War Zone" where the Flame Wars can take place.

Enjoy the board folks, we're here for fun and get to know and learn the opinions of others!

Can you give an example of what you believe to be 'above politics'? I've a pretty good idea of below.
When I first created JPP.com my first thought was to create three interlocking boards, one where normal messageboard play took place, one "above" plain politics board and one "below" plain politics board where all the muckraking and flaming took place. This turned out to be a bit of a stretch. So instead we're looking to create an area on this board where flaming, etc. is not welcome (although the rest of the board remains unchanged).

My first thought on "Above" plain politics would be that we could speak here about strategy and higher-level politics without the detriment of political affiliation, but I realize that is not likely to happen. We have our bias. So the goal is now that this place will be set aside for conversations without trash-talk and trolls.

I hope you will enjoy this new addition, as well as use the newly redacted "War Zone" where the Flame Wars can take place.

Enjoy the board folks, we're here for fun and get to know and learn the opinions of others!

Ohhhh... I get it! A good board (above) :rolleyes: versus a bad board (below) :eek:.


Then the unbiased board mods will see all trash-talk and flame wars as bad across the board, won't defer to one group or the other, and then make the decision as to what's up from down, eh?

Is that kinda like knowing shit from shineola? :cof1::cof1:

Yeah that'll work! :pke:
Ohhhh... I get it! A good board (above) :rolleyes: versus a bad board (below) :eek:.


Then the unbiased board mods will see all trash-talk and flame wars as bad across the board, won't defer to one group or the other, and then make the decision as to what's up from down, eh?

Is that kinda like knowing shit from shineola? :cof1::cof1:

Yeah that'll work! :pke:

I asked Damo for a for instance. From you pov, it seems that no matter what's posted, all can just slam.

I would hope that there is room in some forum that doesn't become so convoluted with opposition posts, that discussion may be had.

For instance, a discussion on health care without bringing race into the discussion.
I asked Damo for a for instance. From you pov, it seems that no matter what's posted, all can just slam.

I would hope that there is room in some forum that doesn't become so convoluted with opposition posts, that discussion may be had.

For instance, a discussion on health care without bringing race into the discussion.

Oh! You want rational, reasonable discussions?

Nah, we don't do that here.
As a matter of fact, my posting style does not have to change either.

But there may end up being some rules concerning our little bickering matches, southernman.
You have learned some things since your transformation from he who shall remain unnamed in this forum.
I asked Damo for a for instance. From you pov, it seems that no matter what's posted, all can just slam.

I would hope that there is room in some forum that doesn't become so convoluted with opposition posts, that discussion may be had.

For instance, a discussion on health care without bringing race into the discussion.

I'll direct your attention to the other threads in this forum and say from my POV the slamming and flaming has already started.

The real intent of this forum will be manifest in how the mods handle said flaming/ers. As long as it is fair and equitable and not just a "he/she gets to stay because they agree with me", then I will abide by the rules.

Of course I would encourage any civil debate, but I would be a liar if I told you that if bit, I won't bite back.

Ain't gonna happen.

I think we should be able to have a plethora of discussions where race plays no role or part in it, unless it is specifically a part of the subject matter or debate.

I say when it starts to look like a pissing match rather than honest debate, the mods shut the thread down, or direct it to the appropriate "flame station".

What'cha think? :readit: